Solidity vs. JavaScript: Similarities & Differences

Solidity and JavaScript share similarities in syntax, but differ in version control, type declaration, and use of "this" keyword. Solidity has static typing and supports tuples.

Before we dive into Solidity Coding Tutorials, let's study a Smart Contract! 🔬

Here is an example smart contract called OnOffSwitch written in Solidity:

/* Here we specify the solidity versions
 * Any version greater than or equal to 0.6.2
 * or less than 0.7.0 will compile this contract */
pragma solidity ^0.6.2;

contract OnOffSwitch {
    // the switch is on if true
    bool private isOn;

    constructor() public {
        // we'll default to being on
        isOn = true;

    // a publicly accessible function to "flip" the switch
    function toggle() public returns(bool) {
        // flip isOn from true->false or false->true
        isOn = !isOn;
        // return the new value
        return isOn;

Coming from learning JavaScript, what are some of the immediately noticeable things about this programming language?

First, let's look at the familiar! Things that are similar to JavaScript:

  • Comments appear to be the same! Both syntaxes: // comment and /* comment */
  • The casing used is the same as JavaScript, it is lowerCamelCase
  • Curly Braces {} seem to serve a similar purpose, marking scope
  • Boolean values true/false which can be modified with boolean operators: !
  • The contract keyword seems a bit like JavaScript class, especially the constructor
  • The function syntax looks a bit similar to JavaScript
  • The return keyword is still used for passing a value back from a function

Now let's look at the dissimilarities:

  • There seems to be some kind of version control statement at the top: pragma
  • There are public/private keywords for variables and functions
  • The isOn variable is prefaced with its type bool
  • The code refers to the isOn member variable without using this
  • The function toggle defines what it will return, a bool

Ok, well that was a good quick glance! 👁

Now let's dive into all of these things we noticed to learn more about the language. 🧐

Compiler Version Control ⚙️

Version Control can be very helpful to specify a range of versions that are acceptable for a dependency or a tool.

In Solidity, we can specify what versions of the compiler our contract will work with using the pragma keyword:

pragma solidity ^0.6.2;

The ^ symbol indicates that this contract will compile with not only version 0.6.2, but also anything above that version all the way up until the next minor version 0.7.0.

This syntax may look very similar to you from npm when we worked with the package.json! Both of these systems use semantic versioning where there are three values:

  • The major version: x.0.0
  • The minor version: 0.x.0
  • The patch version: 0.0.x

Major updates make no guarantee of backwards compatibility. Generally, major updates introduce many breaking changes that will require you to make changes to your code to update successfully.

Minor version updates will generally add functionality in a backwards-compatible way.

Patch version updates are meant for bug fixes and should not break your code's expected behavior (unless you were depending on behavior which was the result of a bug).


It should be noted that, at the time of writing, Solidity has yet to release its first major version. Prior to the major version 1.0.0, many systems are considered unstable where anything may change at any time. So far Solidity development has stuck to making breaking changes on the minor version updates. That is, for example, contracts written for 0.4.x may not work with solidity compiler versions 0.5.x and above. Each release will document the breaking changes.

The Contract 📜

At first glance, the contract keyword looks a bit like class in JavaScript!

contract OnOffSwitch {
    // the switch is on if true
    bool private isOn;

    constructor() public {
        // we'll default to being on
        isOn = true;

👆🏼 Here we are declaring isOn as a member variable of the OnOffSwitch contract. In Solidity these variables are generally referred to as state variables.

Just like in JavaScript classes, the constructor is run only once. For contracts, the constructor is run when it is deployed. The isOn state variable will be set to true on the deployment of this contract.

The isOn variable is accessible anywhere in this contract by name. Unlike JavaScript class variables, there is no need to use this. inside of the contract itself to gain access to the state variables.


The this keyword is still used in Solidity as a reference to the contract account. We'll talk about this a bit more in the upcoming coding tutorials!

Since state variables are referred to by name, you may often see constructor arguments using underscores to disambiguate:

constructor(bool _isOn) public {
    // in this case we'll accept a boolean argument
    // that will set the initial value of isOn
    isOn = _isOn;

It's important to recognize that when we make a change to a state variable on a deployed smart contract, we are modifying permanent storage on the blockchain.


Remember from our lessons on Ethereum that permanent storage on the blockchain is stored in Patricia Merkle Tries on every Ethereum Full Node. 🌲 💻

Local variables defined inside of a code block {} or passed in as arguments live in memory only for the length of their particular scope.

Control Structures 🎛

As you may have noticed in our initial example, Solidity also has the return statement for passing back values from a function.

One difference in Solidity is that multiple values can be returned from a Solidity function as a tuple:

function getValues() public pure returns (int, bool) {
    return (49, true);

The following statement is perfectly valid in Solidity. Similarly, tuples can be used to destructure assignments similar to destructuring in JavaScript:

(bool x, bool y) = (true, false);


You can think of a tuple simply as a group of values in parenthesis. They are not a formal structure in Solidity so they are primarily used for returning and destructuring as shown above.

Along with the return keyword, Solidity also has if, else, while, do, for, break, and continue with the same semantics as JavaScript.

Visibility 👀

You may have noticed the keywords public and private in the initial contract example shown. These keywords are called visibility specifiers because they determine from where functions can be accessed.

As you might expect, a public function is one that can be accessed from anywhere. A private function is one that cannot be. When a variable is declared public, a getter function is generated that will allow access to the variable state.


The keyword private does not protect the privacy of the data itself. Any data committed to the Ethereum blockchain is public for anyone to see! Marking it as private will simply disallow any other contract from reading or modifying the information. 🔐

In addition to public and private, there are also internal and external visibility specifiers. We'll discuss these specifiers further as we dive into contract communication through message passing.

Static Typing 🛡

The last big distinction we noticed from the example is that Solidity has static typing.

In JavaScript, you don't need to specify the data type. We use keywords like var, let and const that could hold numbers, strings, and other various objects:

let strangeValue = 3;

strangeValue = "now im a string!";

👆🏼 Changing a variable's type like this may not be the best practice, however from the JavaScript language's perspective, this is perfectly valid! This is because JavaScript is a dynamically typed language.

In Solidity, all variables must declare their type:

bool isOn = true;

👆🏼 Here our isOn variable is a boolean value. It must always be true or false.


By default, boolean values are false.

What if we tried storing a number in a bool? 🤔

bool myNumber = 10; // ...hmm?

No good!. In fact, Solidity won't even compile with a statement like this. ❌

The compiler will raise a "TypeError: Type int_const 10 is not implicitly convertible to expected type bool." And rightly so! 🤨


An exception raised at compile time is called a compile-time exception. This means that the compiler was unable to generate bytecode from the program, so we would not even be able to deploy this contract! This is opposed to a run-time exception which would happen when someone tried to interact with a contract on the blockchain in some expected way.

The exception would occur when a miner tries to validate the transaction. Unless the exception is caught, the transaction will fail and the miner will consume all the gas. ⛽️

Static typing also affects the way the function is declared. Let's use our example above where we returned a tuple:

function getValues() public pure returns (int, bool) {
    return (49, true);

👆🏼 Here the function must declare what type of values it is going to return. It defines that an integer and boolean will be returned in a tuple list in that order.

If it were to try and return values of a different data type it would throw an exception.

🏁 Wrap Up

In this article, we went over some of the basic differences and similarities between Solidity and JavaScript! 🎉

We talked about version control, contract structure, control structures, scoping, access control and static typing. Yikes, that's quite a lot! 😅

Don't fret if it hasn't all sunk in just yet, there's plenty of time to learn as we go through the coding tutorials. 😮‍💨

Next up, we start coding Solidity! 👨‍💻👩‍💻

Learn More About Solidity

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