How to Use Custom Webhooks for Mined User Operations?

Learn how to stream real-time alerts for mined User Operation with Custom Webhooks + variables

Using Custom Webhooks with variables you can receive push notifications for mined UserOperations by creating a simple GraphQL query!

Don't know what User Operation are? Find out more about our account abstraction services here!


UserOperation Event

This will only work for entrypoints that emit the UserOperationEvent (defined by the EF here). The event signature for user operations is

UserOperationEvent (index_topic_1 bytes32 userOpHash, index_topic_2 address sender, index_topic_3 address paymaster, uint256 nonce, bool success, uint256 actualGasCost, uint256 actualGasUsed)

This article will explain 2 different methods for setting up notifications for mined userOperations.

Method 1: Filter by smart contract account addresses

To receive notifications for every userOp transaction sent from a list of sender (smart contract account) addresses, you can create a graphQL query that filters data using 2 log topics:

  1. Filter by the userOperation event signature hash (topic 0) - 0x49628fd1471006c1482da88028e9ce4dbb080b815c9b0344d39e5a8e6ec1419f

This will filter events by User Operation Event types. The event signature is the canonical representation of an event's name and its argument types. The user operation event signature is:

UserOperationEvent (index_topic_1 bytes32 userOpHash, index_topic_2 address sender, index_topic_3 address paymaster, uint256 nonce, bool success, uint256 actualGasCost, uint256 actualGasUsed)

The corresponding hash for this event signature is 0x49628fd1471006c1482da88028e9ce4dbb080b815c9b0344d39e5a8e6ec1419f, so we will use that as a topic 0 log filter.

  1. Filter by sender address using a log topic variable (topic 2)

Rather than being notified for every single user operation event, you can narrow the filter to specific sender addresses using a custom webhook variable for topic 2 (As seen in the user operation event signature above, topic 2 is the sender address). This will allow you to dynamically insert address values into your webhook query and filter by 1M+ sender addresses. You can learn more about variables here.


  1. Create the sender address topic 2 filter variable using the create method (ex: let’s call this variable $uoSenderAddr) - you only have to do this once! For example:
curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'X-Alchemy-Token: YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '{"items":["0x000000000000000000000000365dF858bdb4C81dD5854B8ef30a6D1CB0Ea4d75"]}'


Non-empty variables + auth token

  • When creating a variable, you must use a non-empty list of items. If needed, you can use a dummy address
  • Get your auth token from the webhooks dashboard
  1. Create a new custom webhook that filters by topic 0 and topic 2 (event signature and sender addr). You can use the create webhook endpoint or dashboard.


Match variable name + network

  • The variable name must match the name you used in step 1
  • Select the network you will be sending user ops on - if you are sending on multiple networks, you will need multiple separate webhooks

For example:

query ($uoSenderAddr:[Bytes32!]!) {
  block {
    logs(filter: { addresses: [], topics: [["0x49628fd1471006c1482da88028e9ce4dbb080b815c9b0344d39e5a8e6ec1419f"], [], $uoSenderAddr] }) {
	      from {
	      to {
	      logs {
	        account {
  1. Dynamically add all smart contract account addresses (i.e. any sender addresses) that you expect to interact with your app to the sender address variable using the update method. For example:
curl --request PATCH \
     --url \
     --header 'X-Alchemy-Token: YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
  "add": [


Address variable format

The addresses must be in byte32 hex format, so you will likely need to convert from the SCA sender address format used in the userOp signature. For example, you can use web3.js padLeft:

	Web3.utils.padLeft(scaSenderAddress, 64)

This query will send you push notifications for every user operation event that has a sender address in the uoSenderAddr variables list you created!


Only receive webhooks for non-empty data

If you would like to only receive webhooks for non-empty queries, rather than for every block, follow these instructions to set the skip_empty_messagesparam to true in your query.

Method 2: Filter by userOp hash

If you do not have access to every address you want to receive userOp notifications for, or do not want to filter for every userOp transaction from a list of addresses, you can instead filter transactions by userOp hash. This will allow you to receive notifications for every userOp transaction with a specified userOp hash.

Similar to option 1, you will create a graphQL custom webhook query filtered by 2 log topics. You will use a custom webhook variable for userOpHash (topic 1) rather than sender address (topic 2):

  1. Filter by user operation event signature (topic 0) - 0x49628fd1471006c1482da88028e9ce4dbb080b815c9b0344d39e5a8e6ec1419f (same as option 1)
  2. Filter by userOpHash using a log topic variable (topic 1)

As seen in the userOperationEvent signature above, topic 1 is the userOpHash. You can create a variable for topic 1 (let’s call this $userOpHashFilter) and dynamically add userOpHashes returned by eth_sendUserOperation to this variable so that you receive mined notifications for every send user operation regardless of sender address.

Implementation steps:

  1. Create the user op hash topic 1 filter variable using the create method (ex: let’s call this variable $userOpHash) - you only have to do this once! For example:
curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'X-Alchemy-Token: YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '{"items":["0xec8f905f6cf36caaea521c041c60adbff4e004269e09e81759aa307d269b5324"]}'


Non-empty variables + auth token

  • When creating a variable, you must use a non-empty list of items. If needed, you can use a dummy address
  • Get your auth token from the webhooks dashboard
  1. Create a new Custom Webhook that filters by the topic 0 and topic 1 (event signature and user op hash)


Match variable name + network

  • ensure variable name matches the name you used in step 1
  • select you have selected the network you will be sending user ops on

For example:

query ($userOpHash:[Bytes32!]!) {
  block {
    logs(filter: { addresses: [], topics: [["0x49628fd1471006c1482da88028e9ce4dbb080b815c9b0344d39e5a8e6ec1419f"], $userOpHash] }) {
	      from {
	      to {
	      logs {
	        account {
  1. Every time you call eth_sendUserOperation you will receive a userOpHash in the response. Call the custom webhooks update method and add the returned userOpHash to the variable you created ($userOpHash). You can also delete userOpHashes from the variable using the update delete method.


UserOp hash variable format

The user op hashes added to your variable must be in byte32 hex format, so you will likely need to convert. For example, you could use web3.js padLeft:

const convertedUserOpHash = Web3.utils.padLeft(userOpHash, 64);

For example, add to your variable like this:

const updateVar = await axios.patch('',
      "add": [
      headers: {
        'X-Alchemy-Token': 'YOUR_ALCH_TOKEN',
        'content-type': 'application/json'

This query will send you push notifications for every user operation event that has a matching userOpHash in the userOpHashFilter variables list you created.


Queries are chain dependent

If you are sending UOs across multiple chains, you will need a separate webhook for every chain.

Additional Filters

Optionally, you can filter for events sent using our paymaster. As seen in the user operation event signature, the paymaster address is topic 3. You can add this as a topic log filter in your custom webhook query. See the list of paymaster addresses per chain below:

ChainPaymaster Address
Arb Goerli0xC03Aac639Bb21233e0139381970328dB8bcEeB67
Arb Mainnet0x4Fd9098af9ddcB41DA48A1d78F91F1398965addc
Eth Goerli0xC03Aac639Bb21233e0139381970328dB8bcEeB67
Eth Mainnet0x4Fd9098af9ddcB41DA48A1d78F91F1398965addc
Eth Sepolia0xC03Aac639Bb21233e0139381970328dB8bcEeB67
Opt Goerli0xC03Aac639Bb21233e0139381970328dB8bcEeB67
Opt Mainnet0x4Fd9098af9ddcB41DA48A1d78F91F1398965addc
Polygon Mainnet0x4Fd9098af9ddcB41DA48A1d78F91F1398965addc
Polygon Mumbai0xC03Aac639Bb21233e0139381970328dB8bcEeB67

Note: these addresses will also need to be converted to byte32 hex format

For example:

query ($uoSenderAddr:[Bytes32!]!) {
  block {
    logs(filter: { addresses: [], topics: [["0x49628fd1471006c1482da88028e9ce4dbb080b815c9b0344d39e5a8e6ec1419f"],[],$uoSenderAddr,["0x0000000000000000000000004Fd9098af9ddcB41DA48A1d78F91F1398965addc"]] }) {
	      from {
	      to {
	      logs {
	        account {