NFT API Quickstart

Go from zero to hero with the Alchemy NFT API. Learn how to query NFT data, then dive into some fun tutorials!

Don’t have an API key?

Start using the NFT API in your app today.

Getting Started Instructions

Follow along with the steps below to get started with the NFT API:

  1. Choose a package manager
  2. Set up your repo
  3. Choose a library
    1. Alchemy SDK (recommended)
    2. Node-Fetch
    3. Axios

1. Choose a package manager

For this guide, we will be using npm or yarn as our package manager to install either alchemy-sdk, fetch, or axios.


To get started with npm, follow the documentation to install Node.js and npm for your operating system:


To get started with yarn, follow these steps:

2. Set up your repo


Open up a terminal, and from the command line, create a new repository to hold your quickstart scripts. We'll also initialize the repo as an npm project.

mkdir alchemy-nft-api
cd alchemy-nft-api
npm init --yes


mkdir alchemy-nft-api
cd alchemy-nft-api
yarn init --yes


Support Import Syntax

Since we'll be using import syntax to load ES6 modules, add 'type': 'module' to your package.json file:

// package.json
  "type": "module"

See this discussion for more context.

3. Choose a Library

a) Alchemy SDK (Recommended)

You can install the alchemy-sdk-js module to easily interact with Alchemy APIs. We highly recommend using the Alchemy SDK because you also get WebSocket support, retries, and other benefits without the complexity!

For full documentation on alchemy-sdk-js, check the GitHub repo:


Run the following command to install alchemy-web3 with npm and yarn

npm install alchemy-sdk
yarn add alchemy-sdk

Demo Script

The demo script for the Alchemy SDK

In your alchemy-nft-api directory, you can create a new file called alchemy-sdk-script.js using your favorite file browser, code editor, or just directly in the terminal using the touch command like this:

touch alchemy-sdk-script.js

and then paste the following code snippet into the file:

// This script demonstrates access to the NFT API via the Alchemy SDK.
import { Network, Alchemy } from "alchemy-sdk";

// Optional Config object, but defaults to demo api-key and eth-mainnet.
const settings = {
  apiKey: "demo", // Replace with your Alchemy API Key.
  network: Network.ETH_MAINNET, // Replace with your network.

const alchemy = new Alchemy(settings);

// Print owner's wallet address:
const ownerAddr = "vitalik.eth";
console.log("fetching NFTs for address:", ownerAddr);

// Print total NFT count returned in the response:
const nftsForOwner = await alchemy.nft.getNftsForOwner("vitalik.eth");
console.log("number of NFTs found:", nftsForOwner.totalCount);

// Print contract address and tokenId for each NFT:
for (const nft of nftsForOwner.ownedNfts) {
  console.log("contract address:", nft.contract.address);
  console.log("token ID:", nft.tokenId);

// Fetch metadata for a particular NFT:
console.log("fetching metadata for a Crypto Coven NFT...");
const response = await alchemy.nft.getNftMetadata(

// Uncomment this line to see the full api response:
// console.log(response);

// Print some commonly used fields:
console.log("NFT name: ", response.title);
console.log("token type: ", response.tokenType);
console.log("tokenUri: ", response.tokenUri.gateway);
console.log("image url: ", response.rawMetadata.image);
console.log("time last updated: ", response.timeLastUpdated);

From your command line, you can execute the script with:

node alchemy-sdk-script.js

You should see output like this:

node alchemy-sdk-script.js   ✔  4s
fetching NFTs for address: vitalik.eth
number of NFTs found: 516
contract address: 0x000386e3f7559d9b6a2f5c46b4ad1a9587d59dc3
token ID: 29
contract address: 0x000386e3f7559d9b6a2f5c46b4ad1a9587d59dc3
token ID: 238
fetching metadata for a Crypto Coven NFT...
NFT name:  balsa vault
token type:  ERC721
image url:
time last updated:  2022-06-23T06:48:33.229Z

For full documentation on the available endpoints for alchemy-sdk, check the github repo:

b) Node-Fetch

node-fetch is a lightweight, common module that brings the Fetch API to Node.js and allows us to make our HTTP requests.

See the documentation for more info:


Run the following command to install node-fetch with npm and yarn

npm install node-fetch
yarn add node-fetch

Demo Script

In your alchemy-nft-api directory, you can create a new file called fetch-script.js using your favorite file browser, code editor, or just directly in the terminal using the touch command like this:

touch fetch-script.js

and then paste the following code snippet in to explore the getNFTs or getNFTMetadata methods:

// alchemy-nft-api/fetch-script.js
import fetch from 'node-fetch';

// Setup request options:
var requestOptions = {
  method: 'GET',
  redirect: 'follow'

// Replace with your Alchemy API key:
const apiKey = "demo";
const baseURL = `${apiKey}/getNFTsForOwner/`;
// Replace with the wallet address you want to query:
const ownerAddr = "0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045";
const pageSize = 2;
const fetchURL = `${baseURL}?owner=${ownerAddr}&pageSize=${pageSize}`;

// Make the request and print the formatted response:
fetch(fetchURL, requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(response => JSON.stringify(response, null, 2))
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import fetch from 'node-fetch';

  var requestOptions = {
    method: 'GET',
    redirect: 'follow'

  const apiKey = "demo"
  const baseURL = `${demo}/getNFTMetadata`;
  const contractAddr = "0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d";
  const tokenId = "2";
  const tokenType = "erc721";
  const fetchURL = `${baseURL}?contractAddress=${contractAddr}&tokenId=${tokenId}&tokenType=${tokenType}`;

  fetch(fetchURL, requestOptions)
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(response => JSON.stringify(response, null, 2))
    .then(result => console.log(result))
    .catch(error => console.log('error', error));

From your command line, you can execute the script with:

node fetch-script.js

Your output should look like the following:

	"ownedNfts": [
			"contract": {
				"address": "0x000386E3F7559d9B6a2F5c46B4aD1A9587D59Dc3",
				"name": "Bored Ape Nike Club",
				"symbol": "BANC",
				"totalSupply": null,
				"tokenType": "ERC721",
				"contractDeployer": "0x51D7D428041E23ef51422e110dfEfF906e821CFe",
				"deployedBlockNumber": 14276343,
				"openSeaMetadata": {
					"floorPrice": null,
					"collectionName": "BoredApeNikeClub",
					"collectionSlug": "bored-ape-nike-club-v2",
					"safelistRequestStatus": "not_requested",
					"imageUrl": "",
					"description": "COUNTDOWN OVER. MINTING LIVE.\n\n[Mint on the website.](\n",
					"externalUrl": "",
					"twitterUsername": null,
					"discordUrl": null,
					"bannerImageUrl": "",
					"lastIngestedAt": "2023-10-30T07:13:52.000Z"
				"isSpam": true,
				"spamClassifications": [
			"tokenId": "1",
			"tokenType": "ERC721",
			"name": null,
			"description": null,
			"tokenUri": "",
			"image": {
				"cachedUrl": null,
				"thumbnailUrl": null,
				"pngUrl": null,
				"contentType": null,
				"size": null,
				"originalUrl": null
			"raw": {
				"tokenUri": "",
				"metadata": {},
				"error": null
			"collection": {
				"name": "BoredApeNikeClub",
				"slug": "bored-ape-nike-club-v2",
				"externalUrl": "",
				"bannerImageUrl": ""
			"mint": {
				"mintAddress": null,
				"blockNumber": null,
				"timestamp": null,
				"transactionHash": null
			"owners": null,
			"timeLastUpdated": "2023-11-06T04:34:38.880Z",
			"balance": "26",
			"acquiredAt": {
				"blockTimestamp": null,
				"blockNumber": null
			"contract": {
				"address": "0x000386E3F7559d9B6a2F5c46B4aD1A9587D59Dc3",
				"name": "Bored Ape Nike Club",
				"symbol": "BANC",
				"totalSupply": null,
				"tokenType": "ERC721",
				"contractDeployer": "0x51D7D428041E23ef51422e110dfEfF906e821CFe",
				"deployedBlockNumber": 14276343,
				"openSeaMetadata": {
					"floorPrice": null,
					"collectionName": "BoredApeNikeClub",
					"collectionSlug": "bored-ape-nike-club-v2",
					"safelistRequestStatus": "not_requested",
					"imageUrl": "",
					"description": "COUNTDOWN OVER. MINTING LIVE.\n\n[Mint on the website.](\n",
					"externalUrl": "",
					"twitterUsername": null,
					"discordUrl": null,
					"bannerImageUrl": "",
					"lastIngestedAt": "2023-10-30T07:13:52.000Z"
				"isSpam": true,
				"spamClassifications": [
			"tokenId": "2",
			"tokenType": "ERC721",
			"name": null,
			"description": null,
			"tokenUri": "",
			"image": {
				"cachedUrl": null,
				"thumbnailUrl": null,
				"pngUrl": null,
				"contentType": null,
				"size": null,
				"originalUrl": null
			"raw": {
				"tokenUri": "",
				"metadata": {},
				"error": null
			"collection": {
				"name": "BoredApeNikeClub",
				"slug": "bored-ape-nike-club-v2",
				"externalUrl": "",
				"bannerImageUrl": ""
			"mint": {
				"mintAddress": null,
				"blockNumber": null,
				"timestamp": null,
				"transactionHash": null
			"owners": null,
			"timeLastUpdated": "2023-11-06T11:46:38.867Z",
			"balance": "31",
			"acquiredAt": {
				"blockTimestamp": null,
				"blockNumber": null
	"totalCount": 26620,
	"validAt": {
		"blockNumber": 18513471,
		"blockHash": "0x49376e3ea0d07b4b557521832ac2f52213b12bf912087ac1fe9f04c9899d221b",
		"blockTimestamp": "2023-11-06T14:15:23Z"
	"contract": {
		"address": "0xe785E82358879F061BC3dcAC6f0444462D4b5330",
		"name": "World Of Women",
		"symbol": "WOW",
		"totalSupply": "10000",
		"tokenType": "ERC721",
		"contractDeployer": "0xc9b6321dc216D91E626E9BAA61b06B0E4d55bdb1",
		"deployedBlockNumber": 12907782,
		"openSeaMetadata": {
			"floorPrice": 0.7899,
			"collectionName": "World of Women",
			"collectionSlug": "world-of-women-nft",
			"safelistRequestStatus": "verified",
			"imageUrl": "",
			"description": "World of Women is a collection of 10,000 NFTs that gives you full access to our network of artists, creators, entrepreneurs, and executives who are championing diversity and equal opportunity on the blockchain.\n\nCreated and illustrated by Yam Karkai (@ykarkai), World of Women has made prominent appearances at Christie's, The New Yorker and Billboard.\n\nJoin us to receive exclusive access to NFT drops, experiences, and much more.\n\nThe Time is WoW.",
			"externalUrl": "",
			"twitterUsername": "worldofwomennft",
			"discordUrl": "",
			"bannerImageUrl": "",
			"lastIngestedAt": "2023-11-06T05:54:50.000Z"
		"isSpam": null,
		"spamClassifications": []
	"tokenId": "2",
	"tokenType": "ERC721",
	"name": "WoW #2",
	"description": null,
	"tokenUri": "",
	"image": {
		"cachedUrl": "",
		"thumbnailUrl": "",
		"pngUrl": "",
		"contentType": "image/png",
		"size": 192785,
		"originalUrl": ""
	"raw": {
		"tokenUri": "ipfs://QmTNBQDbggLZdKF1fRgWnXsnRikd52zL5ciNu769g9JoUP/2",
		"metadata": {
			"name": "WoW #2",
			"image": "ipfs://QmSTBRrNGPvQssSWenMiBQj7ZYue7DEwajAF4z5HDrLFV6",
			"attributes": [
					"value": "Purple Pink",
					"trait_type": "Background"
					"value": "Deep Bronze",
					"trait_type": "Skin Tone"
					"value": "Green Straight",
					"trait_type": "Eyes"
					"value": "Cyber Warrior",
					"trait_type": "Facial Features"
					"value": "Curly Ponytail",
					"trait_type": "Hairstyle"
					"value": "Psychedelic Sunglasses",
					"trait_type": "Face Accessories"
					"value": "Sun Keeper",
					"trait_type": "Necklace"
					"value": "Striped Tee",
					"trait_type": "Clothes"
					"value": "Stern",
					"trait_type": "Mouth"
					"value": "Burgundy",
					"trait_type": "Lips Color"
		"error": null
	"collection": {
		"name": "World of Women",
		"slug": "world-of-women-nft",
		"externalUrl": "",
		"bannerImageUrl": ""
	"mint": {
		"mintAddress": null,
		"blockNumber": null,
		"timestamp": null,
		"transactionHash": null
	"owners": null,
	"timeLastUpdated": "2023-10-30T14:36:39.767Z"

c) Axios

axios is a promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js, which allows us to make a raw request to the Alchemy API.

See the documentation for more info:


Run the following command to install axios with npm and `yarn

npm install axios
yarn add axios

Demo Script

In your alchemy-nft-api directory, you can create a new file called axios-script.js using your favorite file browser, code editor, or just directly in the terminal using the touch command.

touch axios-script.js

and then paste the following code snippet in to explore the getNFTs or getNFTMetadata methods:

// alchemy-nft-api/axios-script.js
import axios from 'axios';

// Replace with your Alchemy API key:
const apiKey = "demo";
const baseURL = `${apiKey}/getNFTsForOwner/`;
// Replace with the wallet address you want to query for NFTs:
const ownerAddr = "0xF5FFF32CF83A1A614e15F25Ce55B0c0A6b5F8F2c";
const pageSize = 2;

// Construct the axios request:
var config = {
  method: 'get',
  url: `${baseURL}?owner=${ownerAddr}&pageSize=${pageSize}`

// Make the request and print the formatted response:
.then(response => console.log(JSON.stringify(, null, 2)))
.catch(error => console.log(error));
import axios from 'axios';

// replace with your Alchemy api key
const apiKey = "demo";
const baseURL = `${apiKey}/getNFTMetadata`;
const contractAddr = "0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d";
const tokenId = "2";
const tokenType = "erc721";

var config = {
  method: 'get',
  url: `${baseURL}?contractAddress=${contractAddr}&tokenId=${tokenId}&tokenType=${tokenType}`,
  headers: { }

.then(response => console.log(JSON.stringify(, null, 2)))
.catch(error => console.log(error));

From your command line, you can execute the script with:

node axios-script.js

Your output should look like the following:

alchemy-nft-api % node axios-script.js
	"ownedNfts": [
			"contract": {
				"address": "0x000386E3F7559d9B6a2F5c46B4aD1A9587D59Dc3",
				"name": "Bored Ape Nike Club",
				"symbol": "BANC",
				"totalSupply": null,
				"tokenType": "ERC721",
				"contractDeployer": "0x51D7D428041E23ef51422e110dfEfF906e821CFe",
				"deployedBlockNumber": 14276343,
				"openSeaMetadata": {
					"floorPrice": null,
					"collectionName": "BoredApeNikeClub",
					"collectionSlug": "bored-ape-nike-club-v2",
					"safelistRequestStatus": "not_requested",
					"imageUrl": "",
					"description": "COUNTDOWN OVER. MINTING LIVE.\n\n[Mint on the website.](\n",
					"externalUrl": "",
					"twitterUsername": null,
					"discordUrl": null,
					"bannerImageUrl": "",
					"lastIngestedAt": "2023-10-30T07:13:52.000Z"
				"isSpam": true,
				"spamClassifications": [
			"tokenId": "1",
			"tokenType": "ERC721",
			"name": null,
			"description": null,
			"tokenUri": "",
			"image": {
				"cachedUrl": null,
				"thumbnailUrl": null,
				"pngUrl": null,
				"contentType": null,
				"size": null,
				"originalUrl": null
			"raw": {
				"tokenUri": "",
				"metadata": {},
				"error": null
			"collection": {
				"name": "BoredApeNikeClub",
				"slug": "bored-ape-nike-club-v2",
				"externalUrl": "",
				"bannerImageUrl": ""
			"mint": {
				"mintAddress": null,
				"blockNumber": null,
				"timestamp": null,
				"transactionHash": null
			"owners": null,
			"timeLastUpdated": "2023-11-06T04:34:38.880Z",
			"balance": "26",
			"acquiredAt": {
				"blockTimestamp": null,
				"blockNumber": null
	"totalCount": 26620,
	"validAt": {
		"blockNumber": 18513471,
		"blockHash": "0x49376e3ea0d07b4b557521832ac2f52213b12bf912087ac1fe9f04c9899d221b",
		"blockTimestamp": "2023-11-06T14:15:23Z"
	"contract": {
		"address": "0xe785E82358879F061BC3dcAC6f0444462D4b5330",
		"name": "World Of Women",
		"symbol": "WOW",
		"totalSupply": "10000",
		"tokenType": "ERC721",
		"contractDeployer": "0xc9b6321dc216D91E626E9BAA61b06B0E4d55bdb1",
		"deployedBlockNumber": 12907782,
		"openSeaMetadata": {
			"floorPrice": 0.7899,
			"collectionName": "World of Women",
			"collectionSlug": "world-of-women-nft",
			"safelistRequestStatus": "verified",
			"imageUrl": "",
			"description": "World of Women is a collection of 10,000 NFTs that gives you full access to our network of artists, creators, entrepreneurs, and executives who are championing diversity and equal opportunity on the blockchain.\n\nCreated and illustrated by Yam Karkai (@ykarkai), World of Women has made prominent appearances at Christie's, The New Yorker and Billboard.\n\nJoin us to receive exclusive access to NFT drops, experiences, and much more.\n\nThe Time is WoW.",
			"externalUrl": "",
			"twitterUsername": "worldofwomennft",
			"discordUrl": "",
			"bannerImageUrl": "",
			"lastIngestedAt": "2023-11-06T05:54:50.000Z"
		"isSpam": null,
		"spamClassifications": []
	"tokenId": "2",
	"tokenType": "ERC721",
	"name": "WoW #2",
	"description": null,
	"tokenUri": "",
	"image": {
		"cachedUrl": "",
		"thumbnailUrl": "",
		"pngUrl": "",
		"contentType": "image/png",
		"size": 192785,
		"originalUrl": ""
	"raw": {
		"tokenUri": "ipfs://QmTNBQDbggLZdKF1fRgWnXsnRikd52zL5ciNu769g9JoUP/2",
		"metadata": {
			"name": "WoW #2",
			"image": "ipfs://QmSTBRrNGPvQssSWenMiBQj7ZYue7DEwajAF4z5HDrLFV6",
			"attributes": [
					"value": "Purple Pink",
					"trait_type": "Background"
					"value": "Deep Bronze",
					"trait_type": "Skin Tone"
					"value": "Green Straight",
					"trait_type": "Eyes"
					"value": "Cyber Warrior",
					"trait_type": "Facial Features"
					"value": "Curly Ponytail",
					"trait_type": "Hairstyle"
					"value": "Psychedelic Sunglasses",
					"trait_type": "Face Accessories"
					"value": "Sun Keeper",
					"trait_type": "Necklace"
					"value": "Striped Tee",
					"trait_type": "Clothes"
					"value": "Stern",
					"trait_type": "Mouth"
					"value": "Burgundy",
					"trait_type": "Lips Color"
		"error": null
	"collection": {
		"name": "World of Women",
		"slug": "world-of-women-nft",
		"externalUrl": "",
		"bannerImageUrl": ""
	"mint": {
		"mintAddress": null,
		"blockNumber": null,
		"timestamp": null,
		"transactionHash": null
	"owners": null,
	"timeLastUpdated": "2023-10-30T14:36:39.767Z"

Available Tutorials

Each tutorial includes step-by-step instructions and code examples to help you follow along and build your own app.

Thank you for using the NFT API, and happy coding!