Learn Subgraphs

A series of tutorials designed to teach you about the Alchemy Subgraphs platform and how to build dapps powered by subgraphs on our hosted service.

Welcome to the "Learn Subgraphs" tutorial series. In this series, we aim to provide a quick start understanding of the Alchemy Subgraphs platform and how you can streamline your application's blockchain data querying using subgraphs.

Learn the high-level general and technical overview of subgraphs. Why do blockchain developers use and need them? What problems do the subgraphs on the Alchemy Subgraphs specifically solve, given alternatives to subgraphs and current providers?

Learn how to build a subgraph project locally, compile and then deploy it to be hosted on the Alchemy Subgraphs platform.

Once you have a deployed subgraph, learn the various ways you can test and query it to get data in the GraphQL format defined in the subgraph's schema.