Most Popular EVM API Methods

A comprehensive list of the most popular EVM API methods


Knowing about the most popular API methods of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) can be valuable for developers looking to interact with smart contracts on the EVM blockchains. These methods allow for various actions such as querying contract data, retrieving transaction information, and checking the status of the blockchain. Understanding the capabilities and use cases of these popular methods can help you make informed decisions when building decentralized applications and interacting with the EVM networks. Additionally, this knowledge can also be useful for individuals looking to access and analyze blockchain data for analytics or research purposes.

On this page, you will find a list of some of the most widely used API methods for interacting with the EVM blockchains.

Most Popular EVM API Methods

1. eth_call


Allows you to call a contract method without modifying the state of the blockchain.

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2. eth_getTransactionReceipt


Retrieves the receipt of a specific transaction by transaction hash.

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3. eth_blockNumber


Returns the number of the most recent block on the blockchain.

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4. eth_getBlockByNumber


Retrieves the full details of a specific block by its block number.

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5. eth_chainId


Returns the current chain ID of the network.

Use Case

  • Determining which Ethereum network a node is connected to (e.g. Mainnet, Goerli)

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6. eth_getLogs


Returns an array of all logs matching a specific filter.

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7. eth_getBalance


Returns the balance (of native currency) of a specific address in Wei.

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8. net_version


Returns the network ID of the current network.

Example Use Case

  • Determining which network a node is connected to (e.g. Mainnet, Goerli)

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9. eth_getTransactionByHash


Returns the full details of a specific transaction by its hash

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10. eth_getCode


Returns the code of a specific contract address.

Use Case

  • Checking if an EVM address is a smart contract or an EOA

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11. getNFTMetadata


Gets the metadata associated with a given NFT.

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12. eth_getFilterChanges


Returns an array of all logs matching a filter, from the filter's creation block to the latest block.

Example Use Case

  • Retrieving all transfer events of an ERC-20 token contract since the filter was created

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