Supported Stacks

List of supported stacks for Alchemy Rollups

Arbitrum Orbit

Arbitrum Orbit is is an open-source rollup implementation built by the Arbitrum team. Their technology boasts the usual benefits of rollups, like dedicated compute for your application, in addition to:

  • 10-100x cheaper fees than Ethereum Mainnet (go even cheaper with data availability committee support)
  • Interoperability with Mainnet through trustless bridging and fraud proofs
  • Close Ethereum Compatibility, so you can use the same workflows and tooling
  • Stylus, which will allow you to write smart contracts in a more performant VM with Rust, C++, or other languages that can compile to WASM. These contracts can interoperate synchronously with the EVM.

OP Stack

OP Stack is an open-source rollup implementation built by the Optimism team. In their Bedrock Explainer (the latest version of OP Stack) Optimism outlines the benefits of their modular stack. You get:

  • 10-100x cheaper fees than Ethereum Mainnet
  • Interoperability with Mainnet through trustless bridging
  • Ethereum Equivalence, so you can use the same workflows and tooling
  • Improved node performance, so you can get thousands of transactions per second