Graph CLI

Learn how to work with the open-source graph-cli package.

The graph-cli package contains commands that help you create, develop, and publish your subgraph.


npm install -g @graphprotocol/[email protected]

# Yarn
yarn global add @graphprotocol/[email protected]


Please note that CLI versions after 0.73.0 may introduce a "hosted service is deprecated" error — this is an automatic message and does not apply to Alchemy Subgraphs. If you see this error please downgrade to 0.73.0 or earlier. Contact support with any questions!


graph initCreates a new subgraph project
graph codegenGenerates AssemblyScript types for smart contract ABIs and the subgraph schema
graph deployDeploys a subgraph (See Deploying a Subgraph)
graph addAdds a new datasource to the yaml file and updates schema.graphql, abis, and mappings
graph testRuns unit tests with Matchstick

See full specification for additional commands and details.
