Bundler API Endpoints

The Bundler APIs are a collection of ERC-4337 compliant JSON-RPC endpoints which makes it possible for users to work with user operations.

What exactly is the Bundler API?

The Bundler APIs are a collection of ERC-4337 compliant JSON-RPC endpoints, making it possible for users to work with user operations.


eth_sendUserOperationSends a user operation to the given EVM network.
eth_estimateUserOperationGasEstimates the gas values for a UserOperation.
eth_supportedEntryPointsReturns an array of the entryPoint addresses supported by the client.
eth_getUserOperationByHashReturn a UserOperation based on a hash (userOpHash).
eth_getUserOperationReceiptGet the UserOperationReceipt based on the userOpHash value.
rundler_maxPriorityFeePerGasReturns a fee per gas that is an estimate of how much users should set as a priority fee in UOs for Rundler endpoints.