Bundler RPC Errors

Learn about the different Bundler error codes.

This document provides a list of the JSON-RPC errors that you might encounter when using the Bundler API. These are in addition to the standard JSON-RPC error codes returned by a bad method call.

-32500: Rejected by EntryPoint’s simulateValidation

  • Description: The userOp is rejected by entryPoint's simulateValidation, during account creation or validation. The -32500 error code may be accompanied by an additional AAxx revert code provided by the EntryPoint to give additional guidance.

Data Fields:

  • reason: Optional string providing the main reason for the rejection.
  • inner_reason: Optional string providing additional details for the rejection.
  • revert_data: Optional bytes containing additional data related to the rejection.

-32501: Rejected by paymaster's validatePaymasterUserOp

  • Description: The userOp is rejected by paymaster's validatePaymasterUserOp.

Data Fields:

  • paymaster: Address of the paymaster.
  • reason: String providing the reason for the rejection.

-32502: Opcode violation

  • Description: The userOp does an Opcode violation or tries to access inaccessible storage. Before submitting userOps, bundlers must make sure userOps don't grief the bundler by accessing banned opcodes when checking a signature.

Data Fields:

  • entity: Type of entity (e.g., paymaster, sender) accessing the storage.
  • opcode: Opcode that caused the violation.
  • Additional fields (when associated with StakeTooLow):
    • needs_stake: Entity that needs staking.
    • accessing_entity: Type of entity accessing the storage.
    • accessed_address: Address of the accessed storage.
    • accessed_entity: Optional type of accessed entity.
    • slot: Storage slot accessed.
    • minimum_stake: Minimum required stake.
    • minimum_unstake_delay: Minimum required unstake delay.

-32503: Out of time range

  • Description: Either the account or the paymaster returned a time-range, and it is already expired or will expire soon.

Data Fields:

  • valid_until: Timestamp indicating the valid until time.
  • valid_after: Timestamp indicating the valid after time.
  • paymaster: Optional address of the paymaster.

-32504: Throttled or banned

  • Description: The userOp was rejected because the paymaster or aggregator is throttled or banned.

Data Fields:

  • entity: Type of entity (e.g., paymaster, aggregator) that is throttled or banned.
  • address: Address of the entity.

-32505: Stake or unstake-delay too low

  • Description: The userOp was rejected because the paymaster's or signature aggregator's stake or unstake delay was too low.

Data Fields:

  • needs_stake: Entity that needs staking.
  • accessing_entity: Type of entity accessing the storage.
  • accessed_address: Address of the accessed storage.
  • accessed_entity: Optional type of accessed entity.
  • slot: Storage slot accessed.
  • minimum_stake: Minimum required stake.
  • minimum_unstake_delay: Minimum required unstake delay.

-32506: Unsupported aggregator

  • Description: The userOp was rejected because the wallet specified unsupported signature aggregator.

Data Fields:

  • aggregator: Address of the unsupported aggregator.

-32507: Invalid signature

  • Description: The userOp was rejected because it contains an invalid signature from the sender or the paymaster.

Data Fields:

  • No additional data fields.

-32521: Execution reverted

  • Description: The userOp was reverted during the execution phase.

Data Fields:

  • revert_data: Optional bytes containing additional data related to the revert.

-32602: Invalid userOp

  • Description: The userOp struct/fields sent to the bundler were invalid.

Data Fields:

  • current_max_priority_fee: Optional U256 containing the current maximum priority fee.
  • current_max_fee: Optional U256 containing the current maximum fee.

-32603: Internal error

Description: Internal JSON-RPC error.

Data Fields:

  • No additional data fields.
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