Gas Manager Errors

Learn about the most common Gas Manager errors.

Invalid Policy ID. Please ensure you're sending requests with the api key associated with the policy's app, and that the policy is active.

Gas manager policies can only be tied to one app. To resolve this issue ensure:

  • you are using the correct policy ID and the API key associated with the app for which the Gas Manager policy is configured
  • the policy is active.

This userOp's cost will put the team over their MAX token limit for this network.

This error means that this userOp will cause you to hit exceed your sponsorship limit.

  • Mainnet: to increase your sponsorship limits by buying gas credits in USD through the Gas Manager Dashboard.
  • Testnet: you should not see this error, as Alchemy offers free unlimited sponsorship on testnets.

Policy's max spend per spender exceeded.

This error indicates that the total amount sponsored for this sender has reached the maximum limit set in the policy. Review your policy and adjust the max spend per address if needed.

Policy's max count per spender exceeded.

This error means that you’ve sponsored the max number of userOps for this sender, as specified in the Gas Manager policy. Review your policy and adjust the max operations per address if needed.

Policy max count exceeded.

This error means that you’ve sponsored the max number of userOps for this policy. Review your policy and adjust the max operations per policy if needed.

Policy max spend global exceeded.

This error means that you’ve reached the maximum dollar amount for this policy. Review your policy and adjust the max spend per policy if needed.

User operation cost exceeds specified spend limit

This error means that the gas required for this userOp exceeds the max dollar amount you are willing to sponsor per userOp, as specified in the Gas Manager policy. Adjust the max spend per UO in your policy if needed.

sender isn't in policy's allowlist

If the allowlist is not empty, only sender addresses included in the allowlist can be sponsored. Add the sender address to the allowlist if sponsorship is desired.

sender address in policy's blocklist

Any address included in the blocklist is banned from receiving sponsorship. Remove the sender address from the blocklist if sponsorship is desired.

policy hasn't started

This error means the policy is not currently active because it has not started. Check the policy's start date.

policy has ended

This error means the policy is not currently active because it has ended. Check the policy's end date.
