sendPrivateTransaction - SDK

Used to send a single transaction to Flashbots. Flashbots will attempt to send the transaction to miners for the next 25 blocks.

Returns the transaction hash of the submitted transaction.

Don’t have an API key?

Start using this method in your app today.


Used to send a single transaction to Flashbots. Flashbots will attempt to send the transaction to miners for the next 25 blocks.

Returns the transaction hash of the submitted transaction.


signedTransactionstringThe raw, signed transaction as a hash.
maxBlockNumbernumberOptional Highest block number in which the transaction should be included.
optionsobjectAdditional options for the request.

fast: boolean;

It determines whether to use fast-mode. Defaults to false.

See here for more details.


Promise<string>stringReturns the transaction response.

Example Request and Response

Prerequisite: You will need to install the Alchemy SDK before making requests with it.

The commands for installing it using npm or yarn are given below:

npm install alchemy-sdk
yarn add alchemy-sdk


const { Network, Alchemy, Wallet, Utils} = require("alchemy-sdk") 
const dotenv = require("dotenv");

// Import your keys
const { API_KEY, PRIVATE_KEY } = process.env;

const settings = {
  apiKey: API_KEY,
  network: Network.ETH_MAINNET, // Replace with your network.

const alchemy = new Alchemy(settings);
const wallet = new Wallet(PRIVATE_KEY);

//Input your own values for each of the paramters
const transaction = {
  to: "0xa238b6008Bc2FBd9E386A5d4784511980cE504Cd",
  value: Utils.parseEther("0.001"),
  gasLimit: "21000",
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: Utils.parseUnits("5", "gwei"),
  maxFeePerGas: Utils.parseUnits("20", "gwei"),
  nonce: await alchemy.core.getTransactionCount(wallet.getAddress()),
  type: 2,
  chainId: 1, // Corresponds to ETH_MAINNET

const rawTransaction = await wallet.signTransaction(transaction);



  "result": "string"

Use Cases

Here are some potential use cases for the sendPrivateTransaction method:

  • Private financial transactions: Businesses may need to conduct private financial transactions with their partners or suppliers. sendPrivateTransaction can be used to keep these transactions confidential and secure.

  • Confidential business data: Companies may need to transmit confidential business data, such as trade secrets or customer information, over the blockchain. sendPrivateTransaction can help ensure that this information is kept private and secure.

  • Supply chain management: Private transactions can be used to manage the supply chain of a product. Companies can use sendPrivateTransaction to transmit confidential information about the product's origin, authenticity, and quality to ensure that the product is genuine and meets the required standards.

  • Personal data protection: Private transactions can be used to store and transmit personal data securely on the blockchain. sendPrivateTransaction can help ensure that the data is kept confidential and is not visible to unauthorized parties.

Related Methods

Here are the methods related to sendPrivateTransaction: