Factory Addresses

List of light account factory addresses on different networks

Account factories are smart contracts that facilitate the creation of new wallet contracts. They serve as a template or blueprint, simplifying the process of deploying new accounts with predefined configurations and features. The account factory mentioned here is Light Account.

Light Account

The Light Account is an advanced smart account model, optimized for gas efficiency and security. It is designed to be a robust and flexible alternative to traditional account models, suitable for a wide range of applications. Light Account provides features like ERC-4337 compliance, security audits, and extendable capabilities, making it an ideal choice for developers looking for a scalable and secure smart account solution.

Deployment Addresses


The Factory Address of Light Account v1.1.0 deployments across chains (mainnets and testnets) is:



The Factory Address of Light Account v2.0.0 deployments across chains (mainnets and testnets) is:
