getContractsForOwner - SDK

Gets all NFT contracts held by the specified owner address.

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Start using this method in your app today.


Gets all NFT contracts held by the specified owner address.


ownerstringAddress for NFT owner (can be in ENS format!).
optionsstringThe optional parameters to use for the request.

options parameters

excludeFilters?stringOptional list of filters applied to the query. NFTs that match one or more of these filters are excluded from the response.

Available options include: SPAM, AIRDROPS.
includeFilters?stringOptional list of filters applied to the query. NFTs that match one or more of these filters are included in the response.

Available options include: SPAM, AIRDROPS.
pageSize?numberSets the total number of NFTs to return in the response. Defaults to 100. Maximum page size is 100.
orderBy?stringOrder in which to return results. By default, results are ordered by contract address and token ID in lexicographic order.

The available option is TRANSFERTIME.
pageKey?stringOptional page key to use for pagination.


Promise<GetContractsForOwnerResponse>objectAn object containing nfts owned by an owner.

GetContractsForOwnerResponse object properties

contractsarray of objectsThe list of contracts that match the query held by the given address.
pageKey?stringPagination token that can be passed into another request to fetch the next NFTs. If there is no page key, there are no more NFTs to fetch.
totalCountnumberThe total count of NFT contracts owned by the provided address.

contracts properties

tokenTypestringThe type of the token in the contract. Available options are: ERC721 = "ERC721", ERC1155 = "ERC1155", UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN"
addressstringThe address of the NFT contract.
namestringThe name of the contract.
symbolstringThe symbol of the contract.
totalSupplystringThe number of NFTs in the contract as an integer string. This field is only available on ERC-721 contracts.
openSeaMetadataobjectOpenSea's metadata for the contract. Parameters include:

1. floorPrice?: number: The floor price of the collection.
2. collectionName?: string: The name of the collection on OpenSea.
3. safelistRequestStatus?: string: The approval status of the collection on OpenSea.
4. imageUrl?: string: The image URL determined by OpenSea.
5. description?: string: The description of the collection on OpenSea.
6. externalUrl?: string: The homepage of the collection as determined by OpenSea.
7. twitterUsername?: string: The Twitter handle of the collection.
8. discordUrl?: string: The Discord URL of the collection.
9. lastIngestedAt: string: Timestamp of when Alchemy last ingested the OpenSea metadata.
contractDeployerstringThe address that deployed the NFT contract.
deployedBlockNumbernumberThe block number the NFT contract deployed in.
totalBalancestringThe sum of NFT balances across all token IDs held by the owner. This will be equal to the numDistinctTokensOwned for non-fungible tokens, but it may be higher if the user holds some fungible ERC1155 tokens.
numDistinctTokensOwnedstringNumber of distinct token IDs held by the owner. For non-fungible tokens, this will be equal to the totalBalance, but it may be lower if the user holds some fungible ERC1155 tokens.
isSpambooleanWhether the NFT contract is considered spam.
displayNftobjectObject containing an NFT owned by the owner for this particular contract. Use this to display a sample NFT for the contract. It contains:

1. tokenId: A token id of an NFT owned by the owner on the contract.
2. name?: The name of the NFT, if available.
imageobjectObject containing different URLs for the NFT media.

1. cachedUrl: string: URL of the image stored in Alchemy's cache.

2. thumbnailUrl: string: URL of a thumbnail-sized image.
3. pngUrl: string: URL of the image in png format.
4. contentType: string: The type of the media image.

Example Request and Response

Prerequisite: You will need to install the Alchemy SDK before making requests with it.

The commands for installing it using npm or yarn are given below:

npm i alchemy-sdk@latest
yarn add alchemy-sdk@latest


// Imports the Alchemy SDK
const { Alchemy, Network } = require("alchemy-sdk");

// Configures the Alchemy SDK
const config = {
    apiKey: "alchemy-replit", // Replace with your API key
    network: Network.ETH_MAINNET, // Replace with your network

// Creates an Alchemy object instance with the config to use for making requests
const alchemy = new Alchemy(config);

const main = async () => {

    const owner = "vitalik.eth"

    //Call the method
    const response = await alchemy.nft.getContractsForOwner(owner)

    //Logging the response to the console



    "contracts": [
            "address": "0x000386E3F7559d9B6a2F5c46B4aD1A9587D59Dc3",
            "name": "Bored Ape Nike Club",
            "symbol": "BANC",
            "tokenType": "ERC721",
            "contractDeployer": "0x51D7D428041E23ef51422e110dfEfF906e821CFe",
            "deployedBlockNumber": 14276343,
            "openSeaMetadata": {
                "collectionName": "BoredApeNikeClub",
                "collectionSlug": "bored-ape-nike-club-v2",
                "safelistRequestStatus": "not_requested",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "description": "COUNTDOWN OVER. MINTING LIVE.\n\n[Mint on the website.](\n",
                "externalUrl": "",
                "bannerImageUrl": "",
                "lastIngestedAt": "2023-09-21T15:28:51.000Z"
            "totalBalance": "912",
            "numDistinctTokensOwned": "80",
            "isSpam": true,
            "displayNft": {
                "tokenId": "1"
            "image": {}
            "address": "0x0015F391949f25c3211063104aD4AFC99210f85c",
            "name": "BAYC Otherside Land",
            "symbol": "BAYC",
            "totalSupply": "24",
            "tokenType": "ERC721",
            "contractDeployer": "0x4B7A67800712472F5f4a5f580c3B99345DF1CeD6",
            "deployedBlockNumber": 14669988,
            "openSeaMetadata": {
                "collectionName": "BAYC Otherside Land V3",
                "collectionSlug": "bayc-otherside-land-v3-7",
                "safelistRequestStatus": "not_requested",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "description": "[Mint on the website](\n\nBAYC Otherside Land is an open world that enables users to build 3D immersive applications on top of several blockchains. In BAYC Otherside Land, users can take advantage of traditional 3D open-world features such as building 3D architectures, hosting virtual meetings, exhibiting NFTs, and more advanced functionality.Details on Twitter @BoredApeYC or PUBLIC MINT NOW LIVE!\n",
                "externalUrl": "",
                "bannerImageUrl": "",
                "lastIngestedAt": "2023-09-21T21:07:17.000Z"
            "totalBalance": "17",
            "numDistinctTokensOwned": "6",
            "isSpam": true,
            "displayNft": {
                "tokenId": "2"
            "image": {}
            "address": "0x0dA763DFc24764275E56D9011A01186fbacF2edf",
            "name": "VeeCon",
            "symbol": "VC",
            "totalSupply": "8",
            "tokenType": "ERC721",
            "contractDeployer": "0xDce675fCcE9Cb500B62f69464fE10f2999d77A50",
            "deployedBlockNumber": 14530344,
            "openSeaMetadata": {
                "collectionName": "Vee Con Tickets Official",
                "collectionSlug": "veecontickets-2022",
                "safelistRequestStatus": "not_requested",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "description": "[Mint on the website](\n\nVeeCon 2022 is a multi-day superconference where only VeeCon NFT ticket holders will experience an extraordinary lineup of content including iconic keynote speeches; innovative and educational talks, panels and Q&A sessions; and many collaborative experiences",
                "externalUrl": "",
                "bannerImageUrl": "",
                "lastIngestedAt": "2023-09-19T03:10:31.000Z"
            "totalBalance": "10",
            "numDistinctTokensOwned": "6",
            "isSpam": true,
            "displayNft": {
                "tokenId": "18"
            "image": {}
    "pageKey": "75db8160-ea3f-4cb0-9bc4-4663f6a804af",
    "totalCount": 2207

Code Sandbox

You can test out the getContractsForOwner method using the code sandbox below:

Use Cases

Some possible use cases for this method include:

  • Displaying NFT contracts owned by a user: DApps or marketplaces that display a user's NFT collection can use the getContractsForOwner method to retrieve information about the NFTs owned by a specific address. This can be useful for providing a customized view of a user's NFTs and allowing them to manage their collection easily.

  • Verifying ownership in a smart contract: Smart contracts that require ownership of specific NFTs as a condition for executing certain functions can use the getContractsForOwner method to verify that a user owns the required NFTs.

Related Methods

Here are the methods related to getContractsForOwner: