Chain APIs Overview

List of JSON-RPC APIs offered by Alchemy across all supported chains


Welcome to the Chain APIs hub, your centralized location for accessing all our available Chain APIs. Chain APIs allow developers to interact directly with the blockchain, retrieving data, sending transactions, and more. They are essential for dApps and wallet services. Dive into each API's detailed documentation by following the links below.

Ethereum APIs

📙 Get started with our Ethereum API Quickstart Guide.

Polygon APIs

📙 Get started with our Polygon API Quickstart Guide.

Polygon zkEVM APIs

📙 Get started with our Polygon zkEVM API Quickstart Guide.

Arbitrum APIs

📙 Get started with our Arbitrum API Quickstart Guide.

Optimism APIs

📙 Get started with our Optimism API Quickstart Guide.

Solana APIs

📙 Get started with our Solana API Quickstart Guide.

Astar APIs

📙 Get started with our Astar API Quickstart Guide.

Starknet APIs

📙 Get started with our Starknet API Quickstart Guide.

Debug and Trace APIs

The debug and trace API methods are used to debug and inspect transactions. You can get detailed insights into transactions using these APIs. They are supported on all networks except Astar and Solana. Get started with our Debug API Quickstart and Trace API Quickstart guides.
