Blockchain data at scale

Use Alchemy Data to build and scale your business

Pull complete token data, identify NFTs, speed up your app, and operate at scale

Use Data APIs to easily retrieve any token data, understand and query your users’ NFTs, and jumpstart your indexed data.

Token APIsNFT APIsPrices APIs
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Ideal for: Multi-chain token experiences, balance indexing
How it works: Simply call an API to return multi-chain and complete token data
Ideal for: NFT drops, token gating, analytics, wallets, marketplaces
How it works: Simply call an API to return multi-chain and complete NFT data.
Ideal for: Multi-chain token experiences, trading apps, wallets
How it works: Simply call an API to return multi-chain and complete token prices data.

Move faster with Alchemy Webhooks

Use Webhooks to build fast and reliable push notifications, create alerts on any on-chain activity, and save millions on excessive RPC calls.

WebhooksCustom Webhooks
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Ideal for: Push notifications, wallets, consumer facing apps
How it works: Define your Webhook and start receiving relevant events
Ideal for: Infinite customization, specific data needs, multi-chain apps
How it works: Customize your event to your exact needs and immediately receive them.

Ship lightning fast with Subgraphs

Leverage Alchemy Subgraphs to ship features as soon as possible, simplify your infrastructure, and not worry about scaling.

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Ideal for: Scaling existing Subgraphs, moving quickly with Subgraph indexing
How it works: Define your Subgraph, let Alchemy handle the infra, and query via GraphQL
Ideal for: Immediate data querying, common use-cases
How it works: Select a community Subgraph and immediately start querying via GraphQL.
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