call - SDK

Returns the result of executing the transaction, using call. A call does not require any ether, but cannot change any state. This is useful for calling getters on Contracts.

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Returns the result of executing the transaction, using call. A call does not require any ether, but cannot change any state. This is useful for calling getters on Contracts.

Starting from Geth 1.9.13, eth_call will check the balance of the sender (to make sure that the sender has enough gas to complete the request) before executing the call when one of the following conditions is true:

  1. the gas_price parameter is populated, or
  2. the contract function being called (i.e. in data modifies blockchain state)

In these two cases, even though the eth_call requests don't consume any gas, the from address must have enough gas to execute the call as if it were a write transaction because eth_call is being used to simulate the transaction.



eth_call has a timeout restriction at the node level. Batching multiple eth_call together on-chain using pre-deployed smart contracts might result in unexpected timeouts that cause none of your calls to complete. Instead, consider serializing these calls, or using smaller batches if they fail with a node error code.


transactionstringThe transaction to execute
blockTagstring / numberThe optional block number or hash to get the call for.

transaction object parameters

tostringDATA, 20 Bytes - The address the transaction is directed to.
fromstringDATA, 20 Bytes - (optional) The address the transaction is sent from.
gasPrice?number / stringQUANTITY - (optional) Integer of the gasPrice used for each paid gas.
data?stringDATA - (optional) Hash of the method signature and encoded parameters. For details see Ethereum Contract ABI
value?numberQUANTITY - (optional) Integer of the value sent with this transaction
nonce?stringA nonce is a value that represents the number of transactions sent by the sender's address, ensuring the transactions are processed in order and preventing replay attacks.
gasLimit?stringThe maximum gas allowed.
chainId?numberoptional the Id of the transaction chain.
type?numberOptional This is the type of transaction.
accessList?array of stringsThe accessList is an optional transaction parameter that specifies addresses and storage keys a transaction interacts with, enabling gas cost optimization and compatibility with future Ethereum upgrades.
maxPriorityFee?numberThis describes the maximum priority fee for this transaction.
maxFeePerGas?numberThis is the maximum fee per gas for this transaction.
ccipReadEnabled?booleanThis specifies if the CCIP read is enabled.


Promise<string>stringThe method returns the output data as a hexadecimal-encoded string without modifying the blockchain state.

blocktag parameters

  • pending - A sample next block built by the client on top of the latest and containing the set of transactions usually taken from the local mempool. Intuitively, you can think of these as blocks that have not been mined yet.
  • latest - The most recent block in the canonical chain observed by the client, this block may be re-orged out of the canonical chain even under healthy/normal conditions.
  • safe - The most recent crypto-economically secure block, cannot be re-orged outside of manual intervention driven by community coordination. Intuitively, this block is “unlikely” to be re-orged. Only available on Ethereum Goerli.
  • finalized - The most recent crypto-economically secure block, that has been accepted by >2/3 of validators. Cannot be re-orged outside of manual intervention driven by community coordination. Intuitively, this block is very unlikely to be re-orged. Only available on Ethereum Goerli.
  • earliest - The lowest numbered block the client has available. Intuitively, you can think of this as the first block created.

Example Request and Response

Prerequisite: You will need to install the Alchemy SDK before making requests with it.

The commands for installing it using npm or yarn are given below:

npm install alchemy-sdk
yarn add alchemy-sdk


// Imports the Alchemy SDK
const { Alchemy, Network } = require("alchemy-sdk");

// Configures the Alchemy SDK
const config = {
    apiKey: "alchemy-replit", // Replace with your API key
    network: Network.ETH_MAINNET, // Replace with your network

// Creates an Alchemy object instance with the config to use for making requests
const alchemy = new Alchemy(config);

// Example of using the call method
const main = async () => {
   //Initialize a variable for the transaction object
    let tx = {
        to: "0x4976fb03C32e5B8cfe2b6cCB31c09Ba78EBaBa41",
        gas: "0x76c0",
        gasPrice: "0x9184e72a000",
        data: "0x3b3b57debf074faa138b72c65adbdcfb329847e4f2c04bde7f7dd7fcad5a52d2f395a558",
    let response = await

    //Logging the response to the console




Code Sandbox

You can test out the call method using the code sandbox below:

Use Cases

The call method is used for making low-level calls to the EVM blockchains. It can be used for a variety of use cases, including:

  • Reading data from smart contracts: Developers can use the call method to read data from a smart contract on the EVM blockchain.

  • Querying blockchain data: Developers can use the call method to query blockchain data, such as account balances, transaction history, and block data.

Overall, the call method is a versatile SDK method that can be used for a wide range of tasks related to interacting with the EVM blockchain.