Supported Subgraph Chains

See the supported chains and networks for Alchemy Subgraphs.

Alchemy Subgraphs supports the following network options.

Certain networks are currently available only to Enterprise customers as noted in the table.

Enterprise customers on dedicated infrastructure can enable any of the networks below by reaching out to our team or add a network we don't support by supplying their own RPC endpoint for it (see below).

Available Networks

network idNetwork nameNetwork typeAvailability
mainnetEthereum⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
goerliEthereum GoerliTestnet🟢 Available
sepoliaEthereum SepoliaTestnet🟢 Available
holeskyEthereum HoleskyTestnet🟢 Available
maticPolygon⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
polygon-amoyPolygon AmoyTestnet🟢 Available
mumbaiPolygon MumbaiTestnet🟢 Available
polygon-zkevmPolygon zkEVM⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
arbitrum-oneArbitrum One⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
arbitrum-goerliArbitrum GoerliTestnet🟢 Available
arbitrum-sepoliaArbitrum SepoliaTestnet🟢 Available
arbitrum-novaAribtrum Nova⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
optimismOptimism⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
optimism-goerliOptimism GoerliTestnet🟢 Available
optimism-sepoliaOptimism SepoliaTestnet🟢 Available
baseBase⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
base-testnetBase TestnetTestnet🟢 Available
base-sepoliaBase SepoliaTestnet🟢 Available
bscBinance Smart Chain / BNB Chain⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
chapelBSC ChapelTestnet🟢 Available
autonomys-taurusAutonomys TaurusTestnet🟢 Available
andromedaMetis Andromeda⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
zetachainZetaChain⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
zetachain-athensZetaChain AthensTestnet🟢 Available
avalancheAvalanche⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
fujiAvalanche FujiTestnet🟢 Available
zksync-erazkSync Era⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
zksync-era-sepoliazkSync Era SepoliaTestnet🟢 Available
blast-mainnetBlast⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
blast-sepoliaBlast SepoliaTestnet🟢 Available
lineaLinea⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
linea-sepoliaLinea SepoliaTestnet🟢 Available
fantomFantom⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
shape-mainnetShape⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
shape-sepoliaShape SepoliaTestnet🟢 Available
apechain-mainnetApeChain⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
apechain-curtisApeChain CurtisTestnet🟢 Available
worldchain-mainnetWorld Chain⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
worldchain-sepoliaWorld Chain SepoliaTestnet🟢 Available
flow-mainnetFlow⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
flow-testnetFlow TestnetTestnet🟢 Available
unichain-mainnetUnichain⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
unichain-sepoliaUnichain SepoliaTestnet🟢 Available
geist-mainnetGeist⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
geist-polterGeist PolterTestnet🟢 Available
scroll-mainnetScroll⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
scroll-sepoliaScroll SepoliaTestnet🟢 Available
sonic-mainnetSonic⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
sonic-blazeSonic BlazeTestnet🟢 Available
sonic-testnetSonic TestnetTestnet🟢 Available
abstract-mainnetAbstract⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
abstract-testnetAbstract TestnetTestnet🟢 Available
ink-mainnetInkMainnet🟢 Available
ink-sepoliaInk SepoliaTestnet🟢 Available
soneium-mainnetSoneiumMainnet🟢 Available
soneium-minatoSoneium MinatoTestnet🟢 Available
degen-mainnetDegen⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
degen-sepoliaDegen SepoliaTestnet🟢 Available
mantle-mainnetMantle⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
mantle-sepoliaMantle SepoliaTestnet🟢 Available
celoCelo⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
celo-alfajoresCelo AlfajoresTestnet🟢 Available
berachain-mainnetBerachain⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
berachain-bartioBerachain bArtioTestnet🟢 Available
roninRonin⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
saigonSaigon (Ronin Testnet)Testnet🟢 Available
settlus-septestnetSettlus SepoliaTestnet🟢 Available
monad-testnetMonad TestnetTestnet🟢 Available
zora-mainnetZora⭐ Mainnet🟢 Available
zora-sepoliaZora SepoliaTestnet🟢 Available
xdaiGnosis Chain / xDai⭐ Mainnet🟡 Enterprise Only
moonriverMoonriver⭐ Mainnet🟡 Enterprise Only
moonbeamMoonbeam⭐ Mainnet🟡 Enterprise Only
moonbaseMoonbase (Moonbeam Testnet)Testnet🟡 Enterprise Only

Custom JSON RPC Endpoint Requirements

Enterprise plans can bring their own JSON RPC endpoints to index subgraphs on networks Alchemy doesn't natively support. For indexing to perform well (low block lag to head of the chain, fast initial indexing, etc), the endpoint must meet certain requirements.


Subgraphs indexing needs access to the following JSON RPC methods:

  • eth_getBlockByNumber
  • eth_getBlockByHash
  • eth_getTransactionReceipt (batch requests)
  • eth_getLogs
    • Must support a fromBlock and toBlock block range of at least 2000.
  • eth_chainId
  • web3_clientVersion
  • net_version
  • eth_call
  • (Optional, to support subgraphs that have call handlers) trace_filter

Archive data

Subgraphs indexing may make eth_calls at blocks as early as the genesis block.

Throughput / rate limits

The throughput needed on the endpoint depends on the block production time, number of transactions in each block, and initial indexing activity. We can work with you to test if an endpoint has sufficient throughput and recommend starting with an endpoint that supports at least 500 requests / second.

At a minimum, subgraph indexing continuously makes JSON RPC calls to get each block that’s produced and all the transactions in the block. As subgraphs are indexing, they will also consume additional throughput making calls to get contract storage and events.

Response times

If JSON RPC response time is too high, subgraphs may see slow initial indexing or lag in keeping up with chain tip.

At a minimum, to keep up with the chain, response time must be low enough to receive a response for an eth_getBlockBy* call and eth_getTransactionReceipt calls for every block and transaction being produced in under the block production time.

We can work with you to test this, but the rule of thumb is:

Br: eth_getBlockBy* response time
Tr: eth_getTransactionReceipt response time
N: p99 number of transactions in a block
B: block production time

Br + Tr * N < B

Data consistency

Subgraph indexing requires data consistency across JSON RPC calls. These consistency issues are typically caused by naive load balancing across nodes, such as a round robin strategy. If a node provider is hosting the endpoint, they’ve likely solved this and provide consistent data.

  • After calling eth_getBlockBy*, subsequent eth_getTransactionReceipt calls for each transaction in the block must succeed.
  • Block height must be monotonically increasing across requests.
  • After getting block and transaction data, subsequent eth_calls for that block must succeed.