createWebhook - SDK

This endpoint allows you to create a webhook. Note that the webhook will be created in the app network of the provided app id.

Don’t have an API key?

Start using this method in your app today.


This endpoint allows you to create a webhook.

Note that the webhook will be created in the app network of the provided app id.


urlstringThe URL that the webhook should send events to.
typestringThe type of webhook to create. Available options include: MINED_TRANSACTION, DROPPED_TRANSACTION, ADDRESS_ACTIVITY, NFT_ACTIVITY, GRAPHQL
paramsobjectParams object containing the parameters required to create a webhook depending on the type of webhook to be created.

params Parameters



Include only one of these params objects as the third parameter.

TransactionWebhookParamsobjectUsed for Mined / Dropped Transaction Webhooks, i.e., MINED_TRANSACTION & DROPPED_TRANSACTION.

Parameters in this object include:

1. appId - string The app id of the project to create the mined/dropped transaction webhook on.
AddressWebhookParamsobjectUsed for Address Activity Webhooks, i.e., ADDRESS_ACTIVITY.

Parameters here include:

1. addresses - array of strings Array of addresses the webhook should track activity for.

2. network - string Optional network to create the webhook on. If omitted, the webhook will be created on network of the app provided in the api key config.
NftWebhookParamsobjectUsed for NFT Filter Webhooks, i.e.,NFT_ACTIVITY.

Parameters here include:

1. addresses - array of objects Array of NFT filters the webhook should track containing the contractAddress and tokenId.

2. network - string Optional network to create the webhook on. If omitted, the webhook will be created on network of the app provided in the api key config.
CustomGraphqlWebhookParamsobjectUsed for Custom Webhooks, i.e.,GRAPHQL.

Parameters here include:

1. graphqlQuery - string A valid, stringified GraphQL query that you would like to host on Alchemy

2. network - string Optional network to create the webhook on. If omitted, the webhook will be created on network of the app provided in the api key config.


Promise<DroppedTransactionWebhook>objectReturns webhook creation data.

DroppedTransactionWebhook response object parameters

typestringType of webhook.

idstringUnique ID for given webhook.
networkstringNetwork of webhook.

urlstringURL endpoint where webhook is sent
isActivebooleantrue if webhook is active, false if not active.
timeStampstringTimestamp webhook was created.
signingKeystringSigning key for given webhook.
versionstringWebhook version (v1 or v2).
appIdstringOnly exists for Mined / Dropped Transactions.

The App ID of the project the webhook is connected to.

Example Request and Response

Prerequisite: You will need to install the Alchemy SDK before making requests with it.

The commands for installing it using npm or yarn are given below:

npm install alchemy-sdk@latest
yarn add alchemy-sdk@latest


// Setup: npm install alchemy-sdk
// Github:
import { Alchemy, Network, WebhookType } from "alchemy-sdk";

// authToken is required to use Notify APIs. Found on the top right corner of
const settings = {
  authToken: "your-notify-auth-token",
  network: Network.ETH_MAINNET, // Replace with your network.

const alchemy = new Alchemy(settings);

const minedTxWebhook = await alchemy.notify.createWebhook(
  { appId: "wq9fgv022aff81pg" }

const droppedTxWebhook = await alchemy.notify.createWebhook(
  { appId: "wq9fgv022aff81pg" }

const addressActivityWebhook = await alchemy.notify.createWebhook(
    addresses: ["0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96010"],
    network: Network.ETH_MAINNET,

const customGraphQLWebhook = await alchemy.notify.createWebhook(
    graphqlQuery: "{   block {     # Block hash is a great primary key to use for your data stores!     hash,     number,     timestamp,     # Add smart contract addresses to the list below to filter for specific logs     logs(filter: {addresses: [], topics: []}) {        data,       topics,       index,       account {         address       },       transaction {         hash,         nonce,         index,         from {           address         },         to {           address         },         value,         gasPrice,         maxFeePerGas,         maxPriorityFeePerGas,         gas,         status,         gasUsed,         cumulativeGasUsed,         effectiveGasPrice,         createdContract {           address         }       }     }   } }"
    network: Network.ETH_MAINNET,

const nftActivityWebhook = await alchemy.notify.createWebhook(
    filters: [
        contractAddress: "0x88b48f654c30e99bc2e4a1559b4dcf1ad93fa656",
        tokenId: "234",
    network: Network.ETH_MAINNET,


  "id": "string",
  "network": "ETH_MAINNET",
  "url": "string",
  "isActive": true,
  "timeCreated": "string",
  "signingKey": "string",
  "version": "string",
  "appId": "string"

Use Cases

Here are some potential use cases for the createWebhook method:

  • Notification of a completed transaction: If you have a web or mobile application that relies on completing transactions, you can use createWebhook to notify your application when a transaction is completed. This way, you can provide your users with real-time updates on the status of their transactions.

  • Monitoring data changes: If you have a database or a system that stores data, you can use createWebhook to monitor changes in the data. This can be useful if you need to keep track of updates to customer information, inventory levels, or any other data that is important to your business.

  • Real-time updates for chat applications: If you have a chat application, you can use createWebhook to notify your users in real-time when a new message is received or when a user has joined or left the chat.

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