
Learn about the Interface utils method


The Interace method generates a smart contract interface from a JSON ABI.


The interface method is useful when you want to create an instance of a smart contract and call its methods.

Here's an example code:

const { Utils } = require("alchemy-sdk");

let abi = [
    constant: true,
    inputs: [],
    name: "get",
    outputs: [
        name: "",
        type: "uint256",
    payable: false,
    stateMutability: "view",
    type: "function",

let contractInterface = new Utils.Interface(abi);


Interface {
  fragments: [
    FunctionFragment {
      type: 'function',
      name: 'get',
      constant: true,
      inputs: [],
      outputs: [Array],
      payable: false,
      stateMutability: 'view',
      gas: null,
      _isFragment: true
  _abiCoder: AbiCoder { coerceFunc: null },
  functions: {
    'get()': FunctionFragment {
      type: 'function',
      name: 'get',
      constant: true,
      inputs: [],
      outputs: [Array],
      payable: false,
      stateMutability: 'view',
      gas: null,
      _isFragment: true
  errors: {},
  events: {},
  structs: {},
  deploy: ConstructorFragment {
    name: null,
    type: 'constructor',
    inputs: [],
    payable: false,
    stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
    gas: null,
    _isFragment: true
  _isInterface: true

The code creates an ABI as an array of JSON objects, where each object represents a single function of the smart contract. In this example, the ABI has only one function named "get".

The contractInterface object is created by calling the Interface method and passing in the ABI array. The output of the console.log statement shows that the contractInterface object contains several properties:

  • fragments: an array of the individual functions and constructors in the smart contract.

  • functions: an object where each key is the encoded function signature and the value is a FunctionFragment object that describes the function.

  • events: an object where each key is the event signature and the value is an EventFragment object that describes the event.

  • structs: an object where each key is the type signature of a struct and the value is a StructFragment object that describes the struct.

  • deploy: a ConstructorFragment object that describes the constructor function of the smart contract.

  • _abiCoder: an AbiCoder object that is used for encoding and decoding smart contract data.

  • errors: an object that contains error messages if any occurred during the creation of the contract interface.

  • _isInterface: a Boolean that indicates if this object is an instance of Interface.