getNftsForOwnerIterator - SDK

Fetches all NFTs for a given owner and yields them in an async iterable. This method returns the full NFT for the owner and pages through all page keys until all NFTs have been fetched. To get all NFTs without their associated metadata, use the options parameter in the request's body.

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Start using this method in your app today.


Fetches all NFTs for a given owner and yields them in an async iterable.

This method returns the full NFT for the owner and pages through all page keys until all NFTs have been fetched. To get all NFTs without their associated metadata, use the options parameter by setting omitMetadata to true in the body of the request.


ownerstringThe address of the owner.
optionsstringThe optional parameters to use for the request.

options parameters

contractAddresses?array of stringsOptional list of contract addresses to filter the results by. Limit is 45.
omitMetadata?booleanOptional boolean flag to omit NFT metadata. Defaults to false. To return the response as shown in OwnedBaseNftsResponse, set this parameter to true.
excludeFilters?stringOptional list of filters applied to the query. NFTs that match one or more of these filters are excluded from the response.

Available options include: SPAM, AIRDROPS.
includeFilters?stringOptional list of filters applied to the query. NFTs that match one or more of these filters are included in the response.

Available options include: SPAM, AIRDROPS.
pageSize?numberSets the total number of NFTs to return in the response. Defaults to 100. Maximum page size is 100.
tokenUriTimeoutInMs?numberNo set timeout by default - When metadata is requested, this parameter is the timeout (in milliseconds) for the website hosting the metadata to respond.

If you want only to access the cache and not live to fetch any metadata for cache misses, then set this value to 0.
orderBy?stringOrder in which to return results. By default, results are ordered by contract address and token ID in lexicographic order.

The available option is TRANSFERTIME.
pageKey?stringOptional page key to use for pagination.


AsyncIterable <OwnedBaseNft | OwnedNft>objectAn object containing nfts owned by an owner.

OwnedNft response object properties

contractobjectThe NFT's underlying contract and relevant contract metadata.

Parameters in the contract include:

1. address: string The address of the NFT contract.
2. tokenType: object The type of the token in the contract
3. name: string The name of the contract.
4. symbol: string The symbol of the contract.
5. totalSupply?: string The number of NFTs in the contract as an integer string. This field is only available on ERC-721 contracts.
6. openSeaMetadata: object OpenSea's metadata for the contract.
7. contractDeployer?: string The address that deployed the NFT contract.
8. deployedBlockNumber?: numberThe block number the NFT contract deployed in.
9. isSpam: boolean Whether the NFT contract is marked as spam.
10. spamClassifications: array Potential reasons why an NFT Contract was classified as spam.
tokenIdstringThe unique identifier of the token. This could be in hexadecimal or decimal format.
tokenTypestringThe type of NFT, e.g.,ERC721, ERC1155, UNKNOWN
namestringThe NFT name.
descriptionstringThe NFT description.
timeLastUpdatedstringWhen the NFT was last updated in the blockchain. Represented in ISO-8601 format.
rawobjectThe raw metadata for the NFT based on the metadata URI on the NFT contract.

1. tokenUri?: string: The raw token URI on the NFT contract.
2. metadata: string: The raw metadata parsed from the raw token URI.
3. error?: string: Error message if the raw metadata could not be fetched.
tokenUristringURIs for accessing the NFT's metadata blob.
imageobjectMedia URLs and information for the NFT. Parameters in this object include:

1. cachedUrl: string: URL of the image stored in Alchemy's cache.
2. thumbnailUrl: string: URL of a thumbnail-sized image.
3. pngUrl: string: URL of the image in png format.
4. contentType: string: The type of the media image.
acquiredAtobjectTime at which the user most recently acquired the NFT. Only available when specifying orderBy: NftOrdering.TRANSFERTIME in the request.

1. blockTimestamp?: string: Timestamp of the block at which an NFT was last acquired.
2. blockNumber?: number: Block number of the block at which an NFT was last acquired.
collectionobjectCollection metadata for the NFT, if available. Parameters include:

1. name: string: The name of the collection.
2. slug?: string: The OpenSea human-readable slug of the collection.
3. externalUrl?: string: The external URL for the collection.
4. bannerImageUrl?: string: The banner image URL for the collection.
balancestringThe token balance indicating how many units of this NFT the owner holds.
mintobjectMint information for the NFT. Parameters include:

1. mintAddress?: string: The address that the NFT was minted to.
2. blockNumber?: number: The block number that the NFT was minted on.
3. timestamp?: string: The timestamp the NFT was minted on.
4. transactionHash?: string: The transaction hash of the transaction that minted the NFT.

OwnedBaseNft response object properties

The ownedBaseNft response object is returned when the options parameter omitMetadata is set to true.

contractAddressstringThe contract address of the NFT.
tokenIdstringThe unique identifier of the token. This could be in hexadecimal or decimal format.
balancestringThe token balance indicating how many units of this NFT the owner holds.

Example Request and Response

Prerequisite: You will need to install the Alchemy SDK before making requests with it.

The commands for installing it using npm or yarn are given below:

npm install alchemy-sdk@latest
yarn add alchemy-sdk@latest


// Imports the Alchemy SDK
const { Alchemy, Network } = require("alchemy-sdk");

// Configures the Alchemy SDK
const config = {
    apiKey: "alchemy-replit", // Replace with your API key
    network: Network.ETH_MAINNET, // Replace with your network

// Creates an Alchemy object instance with the config to use for making requests
const alchemy = new Alchemy(config);

const main = async () => {
    // define the owner address whose NFTs you want to fetch
    const owner = "0xe5cb067e90d5cd1f8052b83562ae670ba4a211a8";

    // create an async generator function that uses the getNftsForOwnerIterator method
    async function getNftsForOwner() {
        try {
            let nfts = [];
            // Get the async iterable for the owner's NFTs.
            const nftsIterable = alchemy.nft.getNftsForOwnerIterator(owner);

            // Iterate over the NFTs and add them to the nfts array.
            for await (const nft of nftsIterable) {

            // Log the NFTs.
        } catch (error) {




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            "name": "CryptoKitties",
            "symbol": "CK",
            "totalSupply": "2023232",
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            "contractDeployer": "0xba52c75764d6F594735dc735Be7F1830CDf58dDf",
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                "collectionSlug": "cryptokitties",
                "safelistRequestStatus": "verified",
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                "description": "CryptoKitties is a game centered around breedable, collectible, and oh-so-adorable creatures we call CryptoKitties! Each cat is one-of-a-kind and 100% owned by you; it cannot be replicated, taken away, or destroyed.",
                "externalUrl": "",
                "twitterUsername": "CryptoKitties",
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            "spamClassifications": []
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        "collection": {
            "name": "CryptoKitties",
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            "externalUrl": "",
            "bannerImageUrl": ""
        "mint": {},
        "timeLastUpdated": "2023-09-18T19:21:52.169Z",
        "balance": "1",
        "acquiredAt": {}
        "contract": {
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            "name": "Moonkys",
            "symbol": "MOONK",
            "totalSupply": "8968",
            "tokenType": "ERC721",
            "contractDeployer": "0x94f65107EB422c67E61588682Fcf9D85AaC940B8",
            "deployedBlockNumber": 14045176,
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                "collectionName": "The MoonkysNFT",
                "collectionSlug": "the-moonkysnft",
                "safelistRequestStatus": "approved",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "description": "A collection of 9000 Moonkys!\r\nAll different, all endearing, from the jungle to the moon and beyond.",
                "externalUrl": "",
                "twitterUsername": "MoonkysNFT",
                "discordUrl": "",
                "bannerImageUrl": "",
                "lastIngestedAt": "2023-09-18T05:52:19.000Z"
            "spamClassifications": []
        "tokenId": "2378",
        "tokenType": "ERC721",
        "name": "Moonky #2378",
        "description": "A collection of 9000 randomly generated Moonkys, living on ETH Blockchain. All different, All endearing.",
        "tokenUri": "",
        "image": {
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            "thumbnailUrl": "",
            "pngUrl": "",
            "contentType": "image/png",
            "size": 233824,
            "originalUrl": ""
        "raw": {
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            "metadata": {
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                "description": "A collection of 9000 randomly generated Moonkys, living on ETH Blockchain. All different, All endearing.",
                "image": "",
                "attributes": [
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                        "trait_type": "Background"
                        "value": "Cobra Kai",
                        "trait_type": "Hat"
                "external_link": ""
        "collection": {
            "name": "The MoonkysNFT",
            "slug": "the-moonkysnft",
            "externalUrl": "",
            "bannerImageUrl": ""
        "mint": {
            "mintAddress": "0xffa6c931719cf546df7e48010bde2b0fd0bfc431",
            "blockNumber": 15108732,
            "timestamp": "2022-07-09T13:47:51Z",
            "transactionHash": "0xce02924d42c0d6f1e5144bbfea8a49fc4fb0330a42782ac8c7c00b7d10b8a4c4"
        "timeLastUpdated": "2023-08-01T07:40:39.116Z",
        "balance": "1",
        "acquiredAt": {}

Code Sandbox

You can test out the getNftsForOwnerIterator method using the code sandbox below:

Use Cases

Here are some potential use cases for the getNftsForOwnerIterator method:

  • NFT marketplace platforms: NFT marketplace platforms can use this method to retrieve a list of all NFTs owned by a user and display them on the user's profile page. This can help users keep track of their NFTs and make it easier to sell or trade their NFTs on the platform.

  • Asset management: Companies or individuals who own many NFTs can use this function to keep track of their assets on the blockchain. They can use this function to retrieve a list of all the NFTs they own and their corresponding metadata.

  • Gaming platforms: Gaming platforms that use NFTs as in-game assets can use this function to retrieve a list of all NFTs owned by a player's account. This can be useful for players to keep track of their in-game assets and also for game developers to design games around NFT ownership.

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