Scaffold Alchemy Quickstart

Learn to quickly build awesome web3 dapps with scaffold-alchemy



Before you begin, you need to install the following tools:


For a simplified setup, Scaffold-Alchemy offers a npx tool that guides you interactively through the setup:

npx create-web3-dapp@latest

You will be presented with a prompt:

  • Project Name: Enter a name for your project, e.g., my-dapp-example.

Once the setup is complete, navigate to the project directory:

cd project-name


Now that our installation is complete, let's configure the development environment for Scaffold-Alchemy.

1. Setup Your Environment Variables:

  • setup account kit on dashboard
  • update gas policy id
  • update API key
  • set your chain

2. Deploy Your Smart Contract:

In a terminal, deploy the test contract:

yarn deploy

This command deploys a test smart contract to the chain of your choice. The contract can be modified to suit your needs and can be found in packages/hardhat/hardhat.config.ts

The yarn deploy command uses a deploy script to deploy the contract to the network. You can customize the deployment script located in: packages/hardhat/deploy

3. Launch your NextJS Application:

In the third terminal, start your NextJS app:

yarn start

Visit your app on http://localhost:3000. You can interact with your smart contract using the contract component or the example ui in the frontend.

What's Next:

  • Edit your smart contract:
    • YourContract.sol in packages/hardhat/contracts
  • Edit your deployment scripts:
    • packages/hardhat/deploy
  • Edit your frontend homepage at packages/nextjs/app/page.tsx. For guidance on routing and configuring pages/layouts checkout the Next.js documentation.
  • Edit the app config in packages/nextjs/scaffold.config.ts
  • Edit your smart contract test in:
    • packages/hardhat/test to run test use yarn hardhat:test
