Deploy Your NextJS App


We recommend connecting your GitHub repo to Vercel (through the Vercel UI) so it gets automatically deployed when pushing to main.

If you want to deploy directly from the CLI, run this and follow the steps to deploy to Vercel:

yarn vercel

You might need to log in to Vercel first by running:

yarn vercel:login

Once you log in (email, GitHub, etc), the default options should work. It'll give you a public URL.

If you want to redeploy to the same production URL you can run:

yarn vercel --prod

If you omit the --prod flag it will deploy it to a preview/test URL.

Make sure to check the values of your Scaffold Configuration before deploying your NextJS App.

Scaffold App Configuration

You can configure different settings for your dapp at packages/nextjs/scaffold.config.ts.

export type ScaffoldConfig = {
  targetNetworks: Chain[];
  pollingInterval: number;
  alchemyApiKey: string;
  walletConnectProjectId: string;
  onlyLocalBurnerWallet: boolean;
  walletAutoConnect: boolean;
  // your dapp custom config, eg:
  // tokenIcon : string;

The configuration parameters are described below. Make sure to update the values according to your needs:

- targetNetworks

Array of blockchain networks where your dapp is deployed. Use values that are present on chains object from viem/chains eg: targetNetworks: [chains.optimism]

- pollingInterval

The interval in milliseconds at which your front-end application polls the RPC servers for fresh data. Note that this setting does not affect the local network.

- alchemyApiKey

Default Alchemy API key from Scaffold-Alchemy for local testing purposes.
It's recommended to obtain your own API key from the Alchemy Dashboard and store it in this environment variable: NEXT_PUBLIC_ALCHEMY_API_KEY in the \packages\nextjs\.env.local file.
