
Use this hook to retrieve historical event logs for your smart contract, providing past activity data, with the option to watch for new events.

const { data: events, isLoading: isLoadingEvents, error: errorReadingEvents, } = useScaffoldEventHistory({ contractName: "YourContract", eventName: "GreetingChange", fromBlock: 31231n, watch: true, filters: { greetingSetter: "0x9eB2C4866aAe575bC88d00DE5061d5063a1bb3aF" }, blockData: true, transactionData: true, receiptData: true, });

This example retrieves the historical event logs for the GreetingChange event of the YourContract smart contract, starting from block number 31231 and filtering events where the greetingSetter parameter is 0x9eB2C4866aAe575bC88d00DE5061d5063a1bb3aF.


contractNamestringName of the contract to read from.
eventNamestringName of the event to read.
fromBlockbigintBlock number from which to start reading events.
filters (optional)objectApply filters to the event based on indexed parameter names and values { [parameterName]: value }.
blockData (optional)booleanIf set to true it will return the block data for each event (default: false).
transactionData (optional)booleanIf set to true it will return the transaction data for each event (default: false).
receiptData (optional)booleanIf set to true it will return the receipt data for each event (default: false).
watch (optional)booleanIf set to true, the events will be refetched every pollingInterval set at scaffold.config.ts. (default: false).
enabled (optional)booleanIf set to false, the hook will not fetch any data (default: true).
chainId (optional)stringId of the chain the contract lives on. Defaults to targetNetworks[0].id

Return Values

  • data property of the returned object contains an array of event objects, each containing the event parameters and (optionally) the block, transaction, and receipt data.
  • isLoading property indicates whether the event logs are currently being fetched.
  • error property contains any error that occurred during the fetching process (if applicable).

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