Goerli ETH Not Showing Up

I have been using the Goerli Faucet to get ETH in my test wallet. However, when I run .getTokenBalances, which has been working on and off anyway, it returns an empty array instead of showing my Goerli ETH. I have checked my account balance using this site ( and can see that I do have a balance in there. I will include my settings below but made sure to set up an application on the alchemy dashboard using Goerli and made sure that the API key I used pertains to that application. const settings = { apiKey: ALCHEMY_API_KEY, network: Network.ETH_GOERLI }; const alchemy = new Alchemy(settings); export const getAllBalances = async (address) => { try { const balances = await alchemy.core.getTokenBalances(address, 'erc20'); return balances; } catch (err) { console.log(err.message); } } and the output looks like this: Object { "address": "<my-address>", "tokenBalances": Array [], } Is there something else that I need to do to make sure that my Goerli ETH show up for development and that everything will then carry over to production?

Composer getBalance function returns: "Origin is not on whitelist."

How can I bring on the whitelist?

new ethers.providers.AlchemyProvider, but network unsupported sepolia?

In creating smart contracts——intercting with a smart contract ,Step 4: Create an instance of your contract. When I run it, an error indicates that it is not supported sepolia,and the document provided below also indicates that alchemy does not support sepolia.May I ask if there are any supporting plans in the future?

Running Error : Type Error in index.js

Dear Team, I was in Second Part of the Tutorial , Minting my NFT , I went to the terminal and typed : node scripts/mint-nft.js. Then I got a running error on a file that I didnt write. It is a file automatically generated , called : index.js, the error is : TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toHexString') How can I solve this problem , Please help. Arturo