need good sample on how to show different types of NFTs
Can you provide an example on how to display different types of NFTs retrieved via your API? a good example... there many types of NFT types... yet all examples show JPEG... not video or html or what else
so how about you provide a good reference on how to display all type of different NFTs?
Appreciate it!
Posted by web5metake almost 2 years ago
getNFTs() API method (withMetadata=true) does not return NFT attributes for ERC-1155 tokens.
We've an NFT collection in ERC-1155 standard which has some attributes(traits) such as gender, age etc. But when we use the getNFTs() API method with `withMetadata=true` it doesn't return those attribute(traits).
It works fine with ERC-721 standard NFTs but it has a problem with ERC-1155 NFTs.
Posted by Mavisakal almost 2 years ago