Can we get owned ERC155 NFTs of a smart contract
Imagine we have an ERC1155 smart contract. We mint some tokens, and as a result, the token Id increases. Then we transfer some of its tokens to another smart contract capable of receiving ERC1155 tokens. How can we determine the ERC1155 balance of the second smart contract ( to which we sent tokens )?
Alchemy already provides an API for getting all NFTs of an address, but its input cannot be a contract's address. So what other solutions do I have?
Many thanks for considering my request.
Posted by Sina Rahimi over 1 year ago
need good sample on how to show different types of NFTs
Can you provide an example on how to display different types of NFTs retrieved via your API? a good example... there many types of NFT types... yet all examples show JPEG... not video or html or what else
so how about you provide a good reference on how to display all type of different NFTs?
Appreciate it!
Posted by web5metake almost 2 years ago
getOwnersForCollection returns invalid data
found a strange behaviour comparing some stats for several collections
for example azuki colleciton has 10000 items, but the api returns when you count 10001
for Genuine Undead its even more weird they have exactly 10000 nfts but api returns 10018 and much more unique holders than there should be.
im sure that everything on my side is correct, tested and checked several times. Simply just add together all array lengths
Posted by Viljams almost 2 years ago