Any plans for removing totalDifficulty field from the response of eth_getBlockByNumber and eth_getBlockByHash?

I noticed that Geth has removed totalDifficulty field from the eth_getBlockByNumber and eth_getBlockByHash rpc in v1.14.11.

Transaction Hash for callTracerTraces

We have a custom webhook for getting callTracerTraces. How can we know the transaction hash and the call index within a transaction for a particular trace?

i can not sign in alchemy

when i sign in alchemy with google account,i always being blocked,and then i try create a new alchemy account ,but i also got can i deal with it?

Transition between tiers

Hi, can I ask if I decide to upgrade from a free tier to a paid tier later on - will it wipe my account and my data will be lost? Or is it a seamless transtion?

Websocket logs subscription, what is the maximum array size for the addresses parameter?


Does/will Notify support Solana?

Wanting to do some medium scale work on top of Solana, needing something richer than raw JSON-RPC. Notify looks like the sort of integration I want, but is Solana on the roadmap for this?

Creating Effective Content: A Guide for Writers and Researchers

Creating Effective Content: A Guide for Writers and Researchers

trace_filter API error

const response = await, {
jsonrpc: '2.0',
method: 'trace_filter',
id: 1,
params: [{
fromBlock: '0x0',
toBlock: 'latest',
fromAddress: ['0x2a357cc5E340685cb7e5827659a561C346C23321'],
toAddress: ['0xF0031782d37819F8E209C4421C774eD1f6163052]

Account is at risk

I got an issue with my account. It's in can i fix it?
