Registration problem !

I tried registering on the site or logging in with my google e-mail address all day long. But things did not go well. No response from Discord or email. Is the company still operating? Or did you shut down the company? down the company?

How do I cancel/delete my account?

I would like to cancel my Alchemy services and have my account deleted, what steps do I need to take to get this done?

cant SignUP!!

If I don't use a VPN, the error message is "Failed reCAPTCHA validation with error: BROWSER_ERROR " If I use a VPN, the error message is "Blocked signup.""/api/user:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()" The only time I waited the link to my email after verification, the result was not received for half a day!?

How can I refresh the metadata cache for an NFT?

How can I trigger a metadata refresh to refresh the cache for an NFT?

Accessing the Mempool

How do I access the mempool on Alchemy's website

Invalid Argument on parseUnits

I am trying to increase the gas price to cancel a transaction but keep getting this error: ``` [Unhandled promise rejection: Error: invalid decimal value (argument="value", value="7.944234428460001e-8", code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=bignumber/5.7.0)] ``` Here is my code: ``` let gasPrice = await ethers.utils.formatUnits(oldTransaction.maxFeePerGas, 18); // 0.000000072220312986 const newGasPrice = gasPrice * 1.1; // 7.944234428460001e-8 const cancelFees = await Utils.parseUnits(newGasPrice.toString(), 'ether'); ``` Why is 7.944234428460001e-8.toString() not a valid argument?

400 Error

Hello, I'm getting a 400 error for some reason. My code has been working for well over a month and now I get this : {"message":"Method Not Allowed","logref":null,"path":null,"_links":{"self":{"href":"/v2/2-Ozn0vjWq8z5XtqKuIthHJVVZY-sjLy","templated":false,"profile":null,"deprecation":null,"title":null,"hreflang":null,"type":null,"name":null}},"_embedded":{"errors":[{"message":"Method [GET] not allowed for URI [/v2/2-Ozn0vjWq8z5XtqKuIthHJVVZY-sjLy]. Allowed methods: [POST]","logref":null,"path":null,"_links":{},"_embedded":{}}]}} doing a call like this "Web3Alc.eth.getBlock('pending').then((block) => {" which like I said was working fine and now all of a sudden it isn't