
smap jfdlkjflsjaf ksjd flsjf lasjf lskjf lksjf skl

Delete my alchemy account

Plz delete my account I have two account

About the time until access is released when the rate limit is exceeded。

I have a question about Throughput. If the rate limit is exceeded, how long does it take before the access control is released? Once access is controlled, is there no choice but to continue retry processing?

Blocked Signup

I am trying to signup no meter what i do its showing me the error (Block Signup) and if do use vpn to signup its shows me the captha pic after i process its again says blocked sign please help

Sign up or signup with google does not work. 'Blocked signup' message show.

I could not signup or signup with google. It's still show the message of 'Blocked signup'. It seems the signup function does not work.

List of wallet actions on AAVE

How can I get a list of all wallet actions like deposit and borrow?

About HealthCheck of your APIs

I am on growth Tier and I want to know how I can get informations about Health Check of your APIs.

GetNFTsForOwner on Polygon Mumbai return NULL on mint data

I'm using GetNFTsForOwner from Alchemy SDK and I expected to get minting information such as mintAddress and transactionHash to linked to my data on my database. But in my result the mint data is null. Can someone explain why this happened? or is alchemy doesn't store the mint data in their server? Or do I need to do something in the smart contract. ``` { "ownedNfts": [{ "contract": { "address": "0x40d86e4598eD2061BEf14Df09C80beC047447EE2", "name": "Foodygo NFT", "symbol": null, "totalSupply": "3", "tokenType": "ERC1155", "contractDeployer": null, "deployedBlockNumber": null, "openSeaMetadata": { "floorPrice": null, "collectionName": null, "collectionSlug": null, "safelistRequestStatus": null, "imageUrl": null, "description": null, "externalUrl": null, "twitterUsername": null, "discordUrl": null, "bannerImageUrl": null, "lastIngestedAt": "2024-01-11T09:27:16.000Z" }, "isSpam": null, "spamClassifications": [] }, "tokenId": "1", "tokenType": "ERC1155", "name": "meats", "description": null, "tokenUri": "", "image": { "cachedUrl": "", "thumbnailUrl": null, "pngUrl": "", "contentType": "image/png", "size": null, "originalUrl": "" }, "raw": { "tokenUri": "", "metadata": { "name": "meats", "image": "", "nft_type": "ingredient" }, "error": null }, "collection": null, "mint": { "mintAddress": null, "blockNumber": null, "timestamp": null, "transactionHash": null }, "owners": null, "timeLastUpdated": "2024-01-16T09:02:53.152Z", "balance": "1", "acquiredAt": { "blockTimestamp": null, "blockNumber": null } }]} ```

why the data about opensea is always null even though i have modified the collection name by opensea

![]( i can see the collection name on opensea after i modify the collection name by opensea, but i can't get this in response by getNFTsForOwner, the data about opensea is all null, could you please help me

block must exist on the Ethereum network

I deployed to optimism-goerli but recive next error: ``` Error During Deploy: subgraph validation error: [the specified block must exist on the Ethereum network] ```