Unable To Get Sol From Solona Devnet

I'm not able to get sol from solana devnet Error: unable to confirm transaction. This can happen in situations such as transaction expiration and insufficient fee-payer funds

why i am not getting the option ethereum goerli network whjile creating an app ??

about ethereum goerli test network

New AlchemyProvider trying to GET?

Hello! I am trying to implement a LightSmartContractAccount as part of account kit: ``` const provider = new AlchemyProvider({ apiKey: apiKey, chain, }).connect( (rpcClient) => new LightSmartContractAccount({ entryPointAddress, chain: rpcClient.chain, owner: magicSigner, factoryAddress: getDefaultLightAccountFactoryAddress(chain), rpcClient, }) ); ``` I am running into a similar issue as described here: <https://docs.alchemy.com/discuss/631a103fed063e004bc5ff71> I receive an error that, when clicked on results in a 'cannot GET, can only POST' error (see below). Any ideas what might be wrong? *** {"message":"Method Not Allowed","logref":null,"path":null,"\_links":{"self":{"href":"/v2/Lo...","templated":false,"profile":null,"deprecation":null,"title":null,"hreflang":null,"type":null,"name":null}},"\_embedded":{"errors":\[{"message":"Method [GET] not allowed for URI [/v2/Lo....]. Allowed methods: [POST]","logref":null,"path":null,"\_links":{},"\_embedded":{}}]}}

Signup Error

Good day! I would like to create an account for activities, but every time I see a signup error (Failed abuse check. Please try a different email or Google login.). Could you help me to solve this problem?

Skip emtpy message is not working in javascript alchemy SDK

How to use the skip_emtpy_messages field in the alchemy notify API SDK ? The API reference is not having any examples and the SDK code is also not having any options for that. I am using a javascript Alchemy SDK version: 3.1.0 I need help regarding this

Unable To Sign Up - Failed Abuse Check Error

Hi, I've tried to sign up with my Google account and it's given me the below error. ![](https://files.readme.io/290b992-image.png) I then tried with an email address that's different to my Google account, and I'm getting the same thing. Essentially I'm unable to sign up to your platform. Can you please help?

Installation of Anchor was failed.

Hi, I am building Solana development environment now. I tried to install anchor using the command "avm install 0.29.0". But an error "The system cannot find the file specified." was generated. How can I fix it?

How can i get cached url for NFT Image.

Now I am testing method `getNFTMetadata`with two wallet address. even though NFT token is same, with one of the address still i get a cached URL for NFT Image, but with another wallet address i only get original URL for the NFT. Could you let me advice what difference is between them please.


smap jfdlkjflsjaf ksjd flsjf lasjf lskjf lksjf skl

Delete my alchemy account

Plz delete my account I have two account