
[Aug 9, 2022] Add support for Arbitrum and Optimism in alchemy_getAssetTransfers

Added support for Arbitrum and Optimism in alchemy_getAssetTransfers.


[Aug 5, 2022] getContractMetadata tokenType field capitalization switch

The tokenType field on the getContractMetadata method will switch capitalization from "erc721" or "erc1155" to "ERC721" or "ERC1155". Please prepare ahead of time for this change by setting up your code to accept either capitalization formats.


[Aug 9, 2022] Enforcing HTTPS for all API Endpoints

At 9am PST we will begin to enforce HTTPS requests. This means if you send requests using HTTP it will return a 301 status code, and we will redirect you to the HTTPS version of that respective endpoint.


[Q3 2022] Deprecation of Arbitrum Rinkeby in Favor of Arbitrum Goerli

Arbitrum Rinkeby will be replaced in favor of Arbitrum Goerli sometime in Q3 2022 following the Eth-Rinkeby deprecation target date. We encourage you to migrate over to Goerli as soon as possible.


[July 12, 2022] Added thumbnail and format parameters to getNFTs & getNFTMetadata

Added thumbnail and format parameters under the media array of getNFTs and getNFTMetadata.


[June 29, 2022] Added withMetadata parameter in alchemy_getAssetTransfers which includes blockTimestamp

Added withMetadata parameter in alchemy_getAssetTransfers which includes blockTimestamp


[June 27, 2022] Added tokenType response field in getContractMetadata

Added tokenType response field in getContractMetadata.


[June 27, 2022] Removed parameter feature set for alchemy_getAssetTransfers

[API] Removed parameter feature set for alchemy_getAssetTransfers. After June 27, 2022, previous parameter logic will no longer be accepted.


[June 22, 2022] Replaced alchemy_newFullPendingTransactions and alchemy_newFilteredFullPendingTransactions with alchemy_pendingTransactions

alchemy_newFullPendingTransactions and alchemy_newFilteredFullPendingTransactions has been replaced with a single endpoint alchemy_pendingTransactions. Previous naming will still be supported however we highly suggest modifying to use alchemy_pendingTransactions instead.
