Spam Detection

Combat spam NFTs to provider your users a safe and smooth experience!


Spam tokens have historically been a significant issue stifling web3 usage and adoption. There are two main reasons why:

  1. Scammers - Spam tokens can be used by scammers to lure users into sharing their private keys, signing messages, or sending funds with a single click of a button!
  2. Poor User Experience - When you open your wallet you want to see tokens that you’re interested in. Having spam tokens in the same wallet as your most valuable NFTs creates a poor user experience.

Starting with NFTs, our goal is to make it easier to identify spam tokens and allow builders to offer a decluttered, enjoyable UX for their users. We are working on extending this to fungible tokens as well!

Getting Started

Spam detection is a premium feature only available on paid tiered accounts (e.g. growth, scale, or enterprise). There are multiple ways to leverage our spam offering:

  1. Use the SPAM filter on the getNFTsForOwner (aka getNFTs) endpoint to retrieve only legitimate NFTs from a wallet.
  2. Retrieve our full archive of spam NFTs via getSpamContracts.
  3. Retrieve the spam classifications across all V3 endpoints that return NFT metadata, including getNFTsForOwner, getContractsForOwner, getNFTMetadata, getNFTsForCollection and more.
  4. Determine if a contract is classified as spam via isSpamContract.
  5. Determine if a contract was airdropped via isAirdrop.
  1. Report a contract as spam to train the classification model via reportSpam.

How Are Spam NFTs Classified?

Some of the primary questions we ask when classifying spam are:

  1. If the contract is ERC721 or 1155, does it break its implemented ERC standard? If so, how badly does it break the standard?
  2. Is the contract known for minting many tokens to popular honeypot wallets? (e.g. vitalik.eth)
  3. Does the contract egregiously lie about its total supply or other attributes?
  4. Is the metadata a copycat, blank, or phishy?
  5. How actively have these NFTs been traded across marketplaces?
  6. Have users reported this token as spam?

Coming Soon

  1. Additional Chain Support - Ramping up on additional chains like Optimism, Arbitrum, and more!
  2. ERC20 Spam Detection - This problem stretches to fungible tokens, too, so we’re working on this now!

Interested in early access to our upcoming spam prevention features? Sign up here!
