SDK NFT Methods

List of all SDK NFT methods.


The Alchemy SDK NFT Methods allow for retrieving NFT data, verifying NFT ownership, and much more for improved troubleshooting and analysis.

Supported Methods

getNftsForOwnerGet all NFTs for an owner.
getNftMetadataGet the NFT metadata associated with the provided parameters.
getNftMetadataBatchGets the NFT metadata for multiple NFT tokens.
refreshNftMetadataRefreshes the cached metadata for a provided NFT contract address and token id. Returns a boolean value indicating whether the metadata was refreshed.
getNftSalesReturns NFT sales that have happened through on-chain marketplaces.
summarizeNftAttributeGet a summary of attribute prevalence for an NFT collection.
searchContractMetadataSearch for a keyword across the metadata of all ERC-721 and ERC-1155 smart contracts.
getNftsForOwnerIteratorFetches all NFTs for a given owner and yields them in an async iterable.
getNftsForContractIteratorFetches all NFTs for a given contract address and yields them in an async iterable.
getContractMetadataGet the NFT collection metadata associated with the provided parameters.
getNftsForContractGet all NFTs for a given contract address.
getTransfersForOwnerThe getTransfersForOwner method gets all NFT transfers for a given owner address.
getTransfersForContractThe getTransfersForContract method gets all NFT transfers for a given NFT contract address.
getMintedNftsThe getMintedNfts method gets all the NFTs minted by a specified owner address.
getOwnersForNftGets all the owners for a given NFT contract address and token ID.
getOwnersForContractGets all the owners for a given NFT contract along with the token balance.
getSpamContractsReturns a list of all spam contracts marked by Alchemy.
isSpamContractReturns whether a contract is marked as spam or not by Alchemy.
refreshContractTriggers a metadata refresh of all NFTs in the provided contract address. This method is useful after an NFT collection is revealed.
getFloorPriceReturns the floor prices of an NFT contract by marketplace.
computeRarityGet the rarity of each attribute of an NFT.
verifyNftOwnershipChecks that the provided owner address owns one or more of the provided NFTs. Returns a boolean indicating whether the owner's address owns the provided NFT.