
[Nov 2, 2022] New endpoint getNFTMetadataBatch

The NFT API has a new getNFTMetadataBatch endpoint to conveniently fetch NFT metadata for a list of NFTs. Unlike other NFT API methods, this is a POST method that takes a list of tokens in the request body.


[Nov 1, 2022] Improvements to getNFTs filters

The includeFilters[] parameter has been added to the getNFTs API. When includeFilters[] are set, only NFTs that match one of the specified filters will be included in the result. For clarity, the existing filters[] param has been renamed to excludeFilters[] (note: this is NOT a breaking change, as the filters[] param will continue to be supported). includeFilters[] and excludeFilters[] are mutually exclusive, and specifying both types of filters will result in an error.


[Oct 26, 2022] Increased eth_call and eth_estimateGas gas limits on all chains

The eth_call and eth_estimateGas gas limits have increased for all chains to 550 million Gwei.


[Oct 14, 2022] Added alchemy_minedTransaction WebSocket subscription type

alchemy_minedTransactions is now available as a WebSocket subscription type on all EVM networks to subscribe to mined transactions based off given filters.


[Oct 11, 2022] AWS Dynamic Intermediate Certificate Authorities

AWS is updating their Certificate Authorities.
Most users will not experience an impact from this change.


[Oct 5, 2022] Deprecation of Ropsten, Kovan, and Rinkeby on Ethereum, Opt Kovan on Optimism, and Arb Rinkeby on Arbitrum

The Ropsten, Kovan and Rinkeby networks on Ethereum will no longer be supported on Alchemy. All requests to those networks after this date will return HTTP 410 errors. We strongly recommend switching over to Goerli as soon as possible. Here is a short guide on how to migrate.


[Oct 3, 2022]Added debug_ endpoint support

Following methods are now supported on Ethereum, Polygon, Optimism, and Arbitrum.

[Sept 29, 2022] Replace getContractsForOwner 'ownedCount' field with 'numDistinctTokensOwned' and 'totalBalance'

The ownedCount field of getContractsForOwner has been replaced with two new fields: totalBalance, which is the sum of all balances held on all tokens on a contract; and numDistinctTokensOwned, which is the number of distinct token IDs held. The ownedCount field (which currently holds the same data as totalBalance) is deprecated and will be removed after a few weeks.


[Sept 29, 2022] Stop defaulting to blockHash for alchemy_getTransactionReceipts (if both blockHash and blockNumber are provided)

alchemy_getTransactionReceipts no longer defaults to blockHash if both blockHash and blockNumber are provided. You will instead receive an error asking you to explicitly pick either blockHash or blockNumber.


[Sept 20, 2022] Changing capitalization of SummarizeNFTAttributes endpoint

The summarizeNFTAttributes endpoint (previously named summarizeNftAttributes, with 'Nft' uncapitalized) is now named summarizeNFTAttributes for consistency with the naming of our other endpoints. Please switch over to the new capitalization. For convenience, both names will be supported temporarily.
