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getCoreAssetTransfers not returning any transfer history for my NFTs

I set up a couple of functions that should look through the transfer history of an address and then return the transfer history as far as I can tell from the docs. I cycle through the pages as needed with a helper function. I've tried this on a number of my NFTs and they are all returning an empty transfer history. Did I set these up wrong or something?

The address that I am currently searching a transaction history for is 0x8e6e63e05fffc220f808674e6ce14c82799d9f84
and the id is 6074.

This set of functions returns an empty array however.

const getTokenResponse = async (token, contractAddress, currentNftId, pageKey=null) => {
    const address = [contractAddress];

    if (pageKey !== null) {
        const response = await alchemy.core.getAssetTransfers({
            fromBlock: "0x0",
            contractAddresses: address,
            category: [token.tokenType.toLowerCase()],
            excludeZeroValue: false,
            pageKey: pageKey

        return response;
    } else {
        const response = await alchemy.core.getAssetTransfers({
            fromBlock: "0x0",
            contractAddresses: address,
            category: [token.tokenType.toLowerCase()],
            excludeZeroValue: false,
        return response;

export const getNFTTransferHistory = async (token, contractAddress, currentNftId) => {
    const address = [contractAddress];

    let nftTxnHistoryItems = [];
    let continueSearching = true;
    let currentResponse = {}
    while (continueSearching) {
        if ('pageKey' in currentResponse && currentResponse['pageKey']) {
            currentResponse = await getTokenResponse(token, contractAddress, currentNftId, currentResponse['pageKey']);
        } else {
            currentResponse = await getTokenResponse(token, contractAddress, currentNftId);
        if (!('pageKey' in currentResponse && currentResponse['pageKey'])) {
            continueSearching = false;

        let txns = currentResponse.transfers.filter(
            (txn) => {
                token.tokenType.toLowerCase() === "erc721" ? fromHex(txn.erc721TokenId) : txn.erc1155Metadata[0].tokenId === nftId
        if (txns.length > 0) {
            for (let i = 0; i < txns.length; i++) {
    return nftTxnHistoryItems;